~One month later, Tuesday Afternoon, 22nd November, Sydney
Fatima took a sip of her tea and walked out to the balcony of her house. Hailey has been standing there for quiet a while. Hailey did not return to the apartment, she share with Sam, since she gotten out of the hospital, one week ago. Instead, she has been staying with Fatima. Fatima’s apartment overlooks Bondi beach, she and her husband, owns the entire building, along with three other apartment complexes, within Sydney.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Fatima said
“It is nice. You are lucky to be able to enjoy this view, everyday.” Hailey said
“Yes, it is. When we first moved here, Muhammad and I will watch the sun set here, everyday. But trust me, after a little while, it is no longer a big deal and you won’t be coming here, to watch the sun set that often anymore.” Fatima said
“The place must cost a fortune.” Hailey said
Fatima smiled, “I am on the road quiet often lately, so I am not often home. It is a pity.” Fatima changed the topic and said
“Well, your job makes a lot of money, so that is good.” Hailey said
“I know that it makes a lot of money. I like it.” Fatima smiled and said
“Do you like your job?” Hailey asked
“Like it? Try loving it.” Fatima replied “So, how are you? How are things within your life?”
“It’s alright.” Hailey said
“Are you taking that job at Taiwan?” Fatima asked
“I don’t know, maybe. I am still really confused right now.” Hailey said
“About what? About leaving Sam?” Fatima asked
“I don’t know. It is just…I guess, I am still so confuse right now. This is not how things are supposed to turn out, this is not…not, I am not even sure how to say it” Hailey sighed and said
“Not how your fairy tale ending, is supposed to be?” Fatima said
Hailey sighed “I guess so. I don’t know. It is just. I always have trouble finding what I believe true love and true happiness is supposed to be and I thought it is a situation where there is something wrong with me, but now...” Hailey sighed she isn’t sure how to finish her sentence.
“Fairy tales are just stories Hailey, not reality. Just like Power Rangers, they are fiction.” Fatima said
“Power Rangers?” Hailey joked
“It is all Chan’s fault. He kept talking about the new Power Rangers series, when we were having dinner last week, now it is stuck in my head. But do you get what I mean?” Fatima said
Hailey nodded.
” As for what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, ask yourself with facts, do you have proven, saying that is the case or is it just some label you carry with you, saying that this is what true love and true happiness is supposed to be and you just simply follow it, blindly.” Fatima said
Hailey looked at Fatima and didn’t say anything.
“Conservative culture frequently tells us woman, true happiness is heterosexual marriage, falling in love and been in a romantic relationship, without ever giving us an explanation why and we just follow it blindly, but is it? For some people, maybe yes, for others, it depends on who they married, for some other people, it depends on the circumstances and for some others it is definitely no. It varies, hell, trust me, when I use to work as a full time psychologist, I saw plenty of women, who get bash up by their husband, as a result of looking for, what they believe fairy tale romance, is supposed to be and I saw plenty of couples, within what seem to be romantic relationship, but totally unhappy, the husband didn’t hit her, but that particular relationship, is just not right for her, despite how romantic it is. I can go on with the list, girl. Just about every conservative culture in the world is sexist, including western conservative culture, Hawaii is an exception, their conservative culture is not sexist towards women, those girls are lucky. But conservative culture is not there to empower woman, they are just there to oppress us.” Fatima said
“You must have believed in that fairytale thing, for quite some time, haven’t you? Something you dream of becoming, since you are a little girl?” Muhammad said, he has been sitting on the beach chair, beside them, for a while, Fatima and Hailey thought he was asleep, since he was wearing a pair of sun glasses.
“How long have you been awake?” Fatima asked
“What made you think I fall asleep?” Muhammad said
“You always fall asleep, when you are out here.” Fatima said
“Not today, I had six cups of coffee, can’t sleep.” Muhammad said “But anyway, Hailey, fairy tale romance is something you believe in, since you are a little girl, right?” Muhammad continued he was still lying on the beach chair, wearing his sun glasses.
Hailey nodded
“And you have a preexisting believe, in regards to what true love and true happiness, is supposed to be, right?” Muhammad said
Hailey nodded again.
“Ha ha, I knew it.” Muhammad said
“If we are going to go to court and debate it, can you prove it?” Fatima said
“Well, there are woman who are happy within one of it.” Hailey said
“And there are women, who are unhappy, within one of it too, aren’t it?” Fatima said “But most important of all, where did you get those ideas from? That is the big question.” Fatima said
“Well, you seem like a conservative girl, so I am going to go with Western conservative ideology, drum roll, am I right?” Muhammad said
Hailey didn’t say anything, but Muhammad is right.
“It is, isn’t it? It is Western Conservative ideology. Hailey, just because somebody say something, something said something or particular set of ideology believe in something, do not remotely even make it true and that included conservative ideology, which also includes western conservative ideology. We should never passively follow a set of believe, that we are been present with and follow it blindly and that include the traditional ideologies, of any culture, including western traditional ideology, which we as a society, prefer to refer to it as, western conservative ideology. Just because an ideology, belongs to the conservative ideology, of a culture, do not even remotely make it correct. I mean, let’s take for example, most conservative culture believes that, after marriage, the wife is the property of the husband, is that correct?” Do you know how conservative ideologies are born?” Fatima asked
Hailey shook her head.
“Hailey, the conservative ideology of a society, come into existence, as a result of what the society believes in. But just because a society believes in an ideology, do not remotely make it even right, sometime it is, sometime it isn’t. Stereotypically, a conservative person, can be argue to be somebody, who insist on the ideology of their society, without question and follow it passively and refuse to believe otherwise, despite what the reality is. A liberal on the other hand, are not sluts or killers, they are open minded people, who do not passively, follow these believes of their society, without question, instead, they look at it critically and determine whether these ideologies to be right or wrong. Liberal people view the ideology of their own society, the same way they view the ideologies of other society and they look at it and said ‘yes that is right’, ‘no that is wrong’. Here in the west, those who insist on conservative ideology, justify their behaviors, with term such as, Good old fashion conservative ideology. But is conservative ideology really good? Some people say conservative ideology is good and those who do not follow it to be evil and other says conservative ideology to be evil and those who do not follow it to be good. They are both wrong, they are both evil. Just because a person, a culture or a society believes in something, do not remotely even mean, what they believe in is right, but it does not remotely even mean, it is wrong either. It could be either right or wrong. For example, most conservative ideologies in the world, believe it is wrong to rape a person or to steal, is it right or wrong? It is right. Most conservative ideologies, believe woman is rightfully the property of the husband, is it right or wrong? It is wrong. Then there are those who rebel against conservative ideology, they are just as worse, as those who follow it passively. I mean, if conservative ideology say, woman is the property of their husband after marriage and you rebel against it, then you will say, ‘no that ideology is wrong, woman is not the property of their husband after marriage’, now that ideology is correct. However, on the other hand, the conservative ideology says, it is wrong to steal and you rebel against it, you would be saying ‘stealing is right’ that is problematic, right? As people, we should not follow conservative ideology passively, but nor should we rebel against it. What we need to do, is exam it, based on all the facts and figures, objectively only, without bias, to determine its validness. But you have to understand, as a society, we are always constructing new conservative ideology, when a set of old ideology has been dismissed and is been replace by a new set of ideology, this new ideology become the new conservative ideology of the society and sometime, both the old and new conservative ideology are right, sometime, one is right and the other is wrong and sometime, both are wrong. In Australia for example, our old conservative ideology believe that Australians are white, but when we start to exam that conservative ideology, it proves to be problematic, for a start, Native Australians aren’t white, they are black. The new conservative ideology believes Australian to be a multicultural country, with different culture and different race, well, that is more appropriate, for a start, it now included native Australians, who are not white and have a culture, that is different from the British, who conquest Australia, during the 19th Century. Of course, what we as a society refers to as conservative value, is usually the older conservative value and that goes without saying. The same goes with us people too. We also have our own conservative value, which is what we believe in, but is it correct or is it wrong. Just because somebody believe in something, do not remotely even make it right, sometime it is right and sometime it is wrong and just like the conservative value of a society, we should exam our own personal conservative value, based on all the facts and figures objectively, without any bias. Of course, there are people in the world, that are too fucked up in the head, to be capable of doing that, but you know what I mean, right? Of course, as people, we develop ideologies, due to various forms of reasons, maybe, it is something, a person persuaded us to believe in, maybe, it is based on what we seen and maybe, it is some other form of reason.” Fatima said
Hailey nodded
“You remember that woman, Laura Cox?” Muhammad said
“Of course, I remember her.” Fatima said, Laura is a woman, Fatima once council, while working as a psychologist.
“Laura believes that her daughter Tiffany is a rebellious teen, despite the fact, she is nowhere even close to the case. Laura got those ideas from TV, because TV these days has a limited representation towards the younger generation, due to the fact, the majority of their audience, are of baby boomer generation. So, most of the representation towards teen on TV these days, are negative ones. Now, as a result of watching too much TV, Laura develop an ideology of what her daughter is like and identify everything her daughter do, in a manner that is in coalition with what she saw on TV, when Tiffany got a job, working as an intern, for the mayor, during her second year in Uni, Laura who has chosen to be actively involve, to help Tiffany to become successful and lay out a path. in regards to what she believes will make Tiffany successful and wants Tiffany to follow it through, identify Tiffany’s behavior of doing this internship, in the same manner as those rebellious and out of control teens that rebel against their parents, she saw on TV, because this internship, is not a part of the path, Laura set out for Tiffany to become successful. As a result, Laura deliberately stabbed Tiffany in the back, causing her to lose the internship, in the name of bring an out of control teen back onto the correct path. Of course, Tiffany got so angry, a few months later, she moved in with her boyfriend, instead. You can image how Laura views that of course. Anyway, to get Laura and Tiffany back to good term, Tiffany’s boyfriend, called Fatima, who is a shrink, to solve their inner family problems. The moral of this story is that, a person can develop any form of believe, due to any form of reason and that become our own personal conservative believe, but just because we believe in something, do not remotely even make it true or right, sometime it is, sometime it isn’t. As people, we should always exam everything we believe in, based on all the facts and figures objectively only, without any bias, to determine its validness and that also applies to what you believe true love and true happiness is supposed to be. By the way Hailey, you are actually quite naïve. Do you know that? I mean speaking about been easily persuaded, you were been persuaded to that believe, of what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, via external source, isn’t it?” Muhammad said
Hailey didn’t say anything, Muhammad is right again.
“A girl that easy to persuade, must be quite easy to get into her pants, what a looser.” Muhammad thought to himself.
Fatima took another sip of her tea “If it makes you feel better, you are not the only one, to be persuaded under these circumstances. You were been persuaded as a child, which is when you are still vulnerable. It is much easier to persuade a child to a distorted perspective, then an adult and it is also easier to persuade an adult to a distorted perspective when they have a limited or no understanding towards the situation. The idea behind it is quite simple. A person is much easier to be persuaded to a distorted perspective, when they have only certain limited understanding towards an existing situation, because they do not have the facts to contradict what they are been persuaded to believe in, it makes them more vulnerable. It would be much harder to persuade you to a distorted perspective while you have all the facts and figures, because you would have the information to contradict it. The same concept applies to children too, when you were a child, you are much easier to be persuaded, to a particular point of view, because you are yet to have the maturity to develop any opinion to begin with, as a result, it makes you vulnerable, to be persuade to believe in anything, although a lot of those persuasion and brain washing, are generally consider to be educate. And that is just exactly what happened to you Hailey, you were been persuaded to a particular point of view, in regards to what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, at a young age, via fairytales, when you were still a child, while you are yet to have the opportunity, to develop any form of opinion or understanding towards love and happiness, to begin with. Of course, back then, the world persuading you, do not consider what they do as persuading, but considering it is educating, what a load of crap. This is also how communist brain washing campaign work, where the communist rulers, persuaded the children to a distorted perspective at a young age, in prior to themselves, having an opportunity, to develop any opinions, to begin with, Nazi Germany used the exact same technique too and created the Hitler Youth and as a result, many of those who fought street battles with the allied forces, after Nazi Germany fall, were member of Hitler Youth. Such persuasion technique, also plays a big role, in the maintain a conservative ideology, to survive in a society, the parents who believe in this conservative ideology, would persuade their children to these perspective, at a young age, in prior to them, having the opportunity, to develop any understanding or perspective of their own, although those parents usually consider what they are doing, to be educating their children, rather than persuading. It is much easier to persuade children to a distorted perspective, under this sort of circumstances, because they are yet to have any opportunity, to have real understanding or develop perspective of their own. In your case, you are been persuaded to perspective, in regards to what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, at that young age, also in prior to you having the opportunity, to develop any self-understanding, towards love and happiness to begin with. To make you feel better, you are not along in this, there are other people, who have been persuaded to believe in all sort of distorted perspective, every day, due to all sort of reason and there are a lot of people, that still hasn’t woken up from it, despite the fact they are now adults and you are not the only one that has gotten into a physical and/or emotional abusive relationship as a result, there are others out there just like you. Statistically, 40% of Australian women, been in some form of abusive relationship, I am guessing, most of them gotten into that sort of relationships, more or less, due to reasons, same or similar to yours.” Fatima said
“That reminded me of this woman, Lucy Thomas. She also had a distorted perspective, in regards to what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, which is to be a heterosexual marriage that is very romantic. Fortunately, she married her husband, who is a decent guy, but her husband doesn’t really work in coalition with her idea of what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, because he isn’t very romantic. Because of Lucy’s distorted perspective, she left her very happy marriage of twenty years. Just because it isn’t a very romantic relationship and went to search for a relationship that is in coalition with what she believes, true love and true happiness should to be. Her husband remarried, some young, hot, twenty-two years old girl that is half his age and Lucy remain as forty-five years old, pathetic old lady, who is still searching for her own looser perspective, in regards to what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, what a looser.” Muhammad mocked.
“She ended up getting con.” Fatima said
“Really?” Muhammad said
“Yeah, she met a con man, who explore her distorted perspective and took all her money and ran away. She was heartbroken.” Fatima said
“The moral of that story, once again, don’t follow anything you believe in passively, disregards to why you believe in it, exam it, based on all the facts and figures, objectively only, without any bias.” Muhammad said
“You were the victim, of a been persuaded to a distorted perspective, when you were young, while you were still a child, but now as an adult, you are able to change it. You have the capability to be your own knight in shinny armor, to rescue yourself from the distorted perspective, you were been persuaded to believe in. I know some time, you wish for a knight in shinny armor to rescue you, I understand, I am a woman too. But sometime, we have to be our own knight in shinny armor and sometime nobody can be our knight in shinny armor, other than ourselves, other people, can at most mentor us, so we can play our own knight in shinny armor.” Fatima said
“FYI, I know one of the reason that you might stay in this relationship with Sam, is because he says he love you and cares about you and growing up from an unloved up brining, you might strongly desired wanting to be love, a lot, so FYI, fact number 1, Sam doesn’t love and care about you, disregards to what you believe in, fact number 2, there are a lot of people who care about you, I don’t, but Fatima does, Chan use to care about you, Tang care enough to say that he is willing to help you, if you are willing to help yourself and Emma still cares about you. So, you still have a lot of people that love you and care about you.” Muhammad said Muhammad didn’t look at Hailey even once, throughout this conversation. He was relaxing, lying upon his beach chair.
Fatima took another sip of her tea “One more thing, I guess one of the main reasons you believe Sam loves and cares about you, is because he says so, isn’t it?” Fatima said
Hailey nodded
“And it is just like what Muhammad said, growing up with an unloved childhood, has caused you to desire to be love very much, isn’t it?” Fatima said
“I…I yes.” Hailey finally said
“I thought so and that is probably the case, sometime, when a person want to believe in something badly enough, they would choose to believe in a lie, rather than the truth, so they can continue to believe in the existence of something that isn’t there and that is exactly what happened with you, within your relationship with Sam, isn’t it? Deep down inside, you know he doesn’t love you and he doesn’t care about you, but you want to believe you are been love so much, you refuse to believe otherwise and that is another reason that you stay in that relationship, isn’t it? Be honest with yourself Hailey” Fatima said, Fatima knows, that the most difficult thing for Hailey right now, is for her to face herself.
“No,” Hailey replied
“Really? Is that just something you are telling yourself or is that the truth, come on, be honest with yourself, I dare you to.” Fatima said
“I just…” Finally, Hailey burst into tears and started crying.
“It’s ok girl, its ok.” Fatima said, she gave Hailey a hug. “It’s ok”
Hailey kept crying. Fatima hugged Hailey, the same way she hugs and comfort her daughter, while she cries.
Hailey had a long cried and finally, she was all cried out, she felt like a brand-new person and for the first time, in a very long time, of her life, she was finally thinking with a clear head and now, she knows what she should do. The first thing for her to do, is to make a clean break from Sam and start a new chapter in her life.
“I need to make a phone call.” Hailey finally smiled and said
“What for?” Fatima said
“I am dumping Sam. I am going to Taiwan.” Hailey smiled and said “and I also think that, I own Chan and Emma one apologizes.”
Fatima took a sip of her tea and walked out to the balcony of her house. Hailey has been standing there for quiet a while. Hailey did not return to the apartment, she share with Sam, since she gotten out of the hospital, one week ago. Instead, she has been staying with Fatima. Fatima’s apartment overlooks Bondi beach, she and her husband, owns the entire building, along with three other apartment complexes, within Sydney.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Fatima said
“It is nice. You are lucky to be able to enjoy this view, everyday.” Hailey said
“Yes, it is. When we first moved here, Muhammad and I will watch the sun set here, everyday. But trust me, after a little while, it is no longer a big deal and you won’t be coming here, to watch the sun set that often anymore.” Fatima said
“The place must cost a fortune.” Hailey said
Fatima smiled, “I am on the road quiet often lately, so I am not often home. It is a pity.” Fatima changed the topic and said
“Well, your job makes a lot of money, so that is good.” Hailey said
“I know that it makes a lot of money. I like it.” Fatima smiled and said
“Do you like your job?” Hailey asked
“Like it? Try loving it.” Fatima replied “So, how are you? How are things within your life?”
“It’s alright.” Hailey said
“Are you taking that job at Taiwan?” Fatima asked
“I don’t know, maybe. I am still really confused right now.” Hailey said
“About what? About leaving Sam?” Fatima asked
“I don’t know. It is just…I guess, I am still so confuse right now. This is not how things are supposed to turn out, this is not…not, I am not even sure how to say it” Hailey sighed and said
“Not how your fairy tale ending, is supposed to be?” Fatima said
Hailey sighed “I guess so. I don’t know. It is just. I always have trouble finding what I believe true love and true happiness is supposed to be and I thought it is a situation where there is something wrong with me, but now...” Hailey sighed she isn’t sure how to finish her sentence.
“Fairy tales are just stories Hailey, not reality. Just like Power Rangers, they are fiction.” Fatima said
“Power Rangers?” Hailey joked
“It is all Chan’s fault. He kept talking about the new Power Rangers series, when we were having dinner last week, now it is stuck in my head. But do you get what I mean?” Fatima said
Hailey nodded.
” As for what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, ask yourself with facts, do you have proven, saying that is the case or is it just some label you carry with you, saying that this is what true love and true happiness is supposed to be and you just simply follow it, blindly.” Fatima said
Hailey looked at Fatima and didn’t say anything.
“Conservative culture frequently tells us woman, true happiness is heterosexual marriage, falling in love and been in a romantic relationship, without ever giving us an explanation why and we just follow it blindly, but is it? For some people, maybe yes, for others, it depends on who they married, for some other people, it depends on the circumstances and for some others it is definitely no. It varies, hell, trust me, when I use to work as a full time psychologist, I saw plenty of women, who get bash up by their husband, as a result of looking for, what they believe fairy tale romance, is supposed to be and I saw plenty of couples, within what seem to be romantic relationship, but totally unhappy, the husband didn’t hit her, but that particular relationship, is just not right for her, despite how romantic it is. I can go on with the list, girl. Just about every conservative culture in the world is sexist, including western conservative culture, Hawaii is an exception, their conservative culture is not sexist towards women, those girls are lucky. But conservative culture is not there to empower woman, they are just there to oppress us.” Fatima said
“You must have believed in that fairytale thing, for quite some time, haven’t you? Something you dream of becoming, since you are a little girl?” Muhammad said, he has been sitting on the beach chair, beside them, for a while, Fatima and Hailey thought he was asleep, since he was wearing a pair of sun glasses.
“How long have you been awake?” Fatima asked
“What made you think I fall asleep?” Muhammad said
“You always fall asleep, when you are out here.” Fatima said
“Not today, I had six cups of coffee, can’t sleep.” Muhammad said “But anyway, Hailey, fairy tale romance is something you believe in, since you are a little girl, right?” Muhammad continued he was still lying on the beach chair, wearing his sun glasses.
Hailey nodded
“And you have a preexisting believe, in regards to what true love and true happiness, is supposed to be, right?” Muhammad said
Hailey nodded again.
“Ha ha, I knew it.” Muhammad said
“If we are going to go to court and debate it, can you prove it?” Fatima said
“Well, there are woman who are happy within one of it.” Hailey said
“And there are women, who are unhappy, within one of it too, aren’t it?” Fatima said “But most important of all, where did you get those ideas from? That is the big question.” Fatima said
“Well, you seem like a conservative girl, so I am going to go with Western conservative ideology, drum roll, am I right?” Muhammad said
Hailey didn’t say anything, but Muhammad is right.
“It is, isn’t it? It is Western Conservative ideology. Hailey, just because somebody say something, something said something or particular set of ideology believe in something, do not remotely even make it true and that included conservative ideology, which also includes western conservative ideology. We should never passively follow a set of believe, that we are been present with and follow it blindly and that include the traditional ideologies, of any culture, including western traditional ideology, which we as a society, prefer to refer to it as, western conservative ideology. Just because an ideology, belongs to the conservative ideology, of a culture, do not even remotely make it correct. I mean, let’s take for example, most conservative culture believes that, after marriage, the wife is the property of the husband, is that correct?” Do you know how conservative ideologies are born?” Fatima asked
Hailey shook her head.
“Hailey, the conservative ideology of a society, come into existence, as a result of what the society believes in. But just because a society believes in an ideology, do not remotely make it even right, sometime it is, sometime it isn’t. Stereotypically, a conservative person, can be argue to be somebody, who insist on the ideology of their society, without question and follow it passively and refuse to believe otherwise, despite what the reality is. A liberal on the other hand, are not sluts or killers, they are open minded people, who do not passively, follow these believes of their society, without question, instead, they look at it critically and determine whether these ideologies to be right or wrong. Liberal people view the ideology of their own society, the same way they view the ideologies of other society and they look at it and said ‘yes that is right’, ‘no that is wrong’. Here in the west, those who insist on conservative ideology, justify their behaviors, with term such as, Good old fashion conservative ideology. But is conservative ideology really good? Some people say conservative ideology is good and those who do not follow it to be evil and other says conservative ideology to be evil and those who do not follow it to be good. They are both wrong, they are both evil. Just because a person, a culture or a society believes in something, do not remotely even mean, what they believe in is right, but it does not remotely even mean, it is wrong either. It could be either right or wrong. For example, most conservative ideologies in the world, believe it is wrong to rape a person or to steal, is it right or wrong? It is right. Most conservative ideologies, believe woman is rightfully the property of the husband, is it right or wrong? It is wrong. Then there are those who rebel against conservative ideology, they are just as worse, as those who follow it passively. I mean, if conservative ideology say, woman is the property of their husband after marriage and you rebel against it, then you will say, ‘no that ideology is wrong, woman is not the property of their husband after marriage’, now that ideology is correct. However, on the other hand, the conservative ideology says, it is wrong to steal and you rebel against it, you would be saying ‘stealing is right’ that is problematic, right? As people, we should not follow conservative ideology passively, but nor should we rebel against it. What we need to do, is exam it, based on all the facts and figures, objectively only, without bias, to determine its validness. But you have to understand, as a society, we are always constructing new conservative ideology, when a set of old ideology has been dismissed and is been replace by a new set of ideology, this new ideology become the new conservative ideology of the society and sometime, both the old and new conservative ideology are right, sometime, one is right and the other is wrong and sometime, both are wrong. In Australia for example, our old conservative ideology believe that Australians are white, but when we start to exam that conservative ideology, it proves to be problematic, for a start, Native Australians aren’t white, they are black. The new conservative ideology believes Australian to be a multicultural country, with different culture and different race, well, that is more appropriate, for a start, it now included native Australians, who are not white and have a culture, that is different from the British, who conquest Australia, during the 19th Century. Of course, what we as a society refers to as conservative value, is usually the older conservative value and that goes without saying. The same goes with us people too. We also have our own conservative value, which is what we believe in, but is it correct or is it wrong. Just because somebody believe in something, do not remotely even make it right, sometime it is right and sometime it is wrong and just like the conservative value of a society, we should exam our own personal conservative value, based on all the facts and figures objectively, without any bias. Of course, there are people in the world, that are too fucked up in the head, to be capable of doing that, but you know what I mean, right? Of course, as people, we develop ideologies, due to various forms of reasons, maybe, it is something, a person persuaded us to believe in, maybe, it is based on what we seen and maybe, it is some other form of reason.” Fatima said
Hailey nodded
“You remember that woman, Laura Cox?” Muhammad said
“Of course, I remember her.” Fatima said, Laura is a woman, Fatima once council, while working as a psychologist.
“Laura believes that her daughter Tiffany is a rebellious teen, despite the fact, she is nowhere even close to the case. Laura got those ideas from TV, because TV these days has a limited representation towards the younger generation, due to the fact, the majority of their audience, are of baby boomer generation. So, most of the representation towards teen on TV these days, are negative ones. Now, as a result of watching too much TV, Laura develop an ideology of what her daughter is like and identify everything her daughter do, in a manner that is in coalition with what she saw on TV, when Tiffany got a job, working as an intern, for the mayor, during her second year in Uni, Laura who has chosen to be actively involve, to help Tiffany to become successful and lay out a path. in regards to what she believes will make Tiffany successful and wants Tiffany to follow it through, identify Tiffany’s behavior of doing this internship, in the same manner as those rebellious and out of control teens that rebel against their parents, she saw on TV, because this internship, is not a part of the path, Laura set out for Tiffany to become successful. As a result, Laura deliberately stabbed Tiffany in the back, causing her to lose the internship, in the name of bring an out of control teen back onto the correct path. Of course, Tiffany got so angry, a few months later, she moved in with her boyfriend, instead. You can image how Laura views that of course. Anyway, to get Laura and Tiffany back to good term, Tiffany’s boyfriend, called Fatima, who is a shrink, to solve their inner family problems. The moral of this story is that, a person can develop any form of believe, due to any form of reason and that become our own personal conservative believe, but just because we believe in something, do not remotely even make it true or right, sometime it is, sometime it isn’t. As people, we should always exam everything we believe in, based on all the facts and figures objectively only, without any bias, to determine its validness and that also applies to what you believe true love and true happiness is supposed to be. By the way Hailey, you are actually quite naïve. Do you know that? I mean speaking about been easily persuaded, you were been persuaded to that believe, of what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, via external source, isn’t it?” Muhammad said
Hailey didn’t say anything, Muhammad is right again.
“A girl that easy to persuade, must be quite easy to get into her pants, what a looser.” Muhammad thought to himself.
Fatima took another sip of her tea “If it makes you feel better, you are not the only one, to be persuaded under these circumstances. You were been persuaded as a child, which is when you are still vulnerable. It is much easier to persuade a child to a distorted perspective, then an adult and it is also easier to persuade an adult to a distorted perspective when they have a limited or no understanding towards the situation. The idea behind it is quite simple. A person is much easier to be persuaded to a distorted perspective, when they have only certain limited understanding towards an existing situation, because they do not have the facts to contradict what they are been persuaded to believe in, it makes them more vulnerable. It would be much harder to persuade you to a distorted perspective while you have all the facts and figures, because you would have the information to contradict it. The same concept applies to children too, when you were a child, you are much easier to be persuaded, to a particular point of view, because you are yet to have the maturity to develop any opinion to begin with, as a result, it makes you vulnerable, to be persuade to believe in anything, although a lot of those persuasion and brain washing, are generally consider to be educate. And that is just exactly what happened to you Hailey, you were been persuaded to a particular point of view, in regards to what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, at a young age, via fairytales, when you were still a child, while you are yet to have the opportunity, to develop any form of opinion or understanding towards love and happiness, to begin with. Of course, back then, the world persuading you, do not consider what they do as persuading, but considering it is educating, what a load of crap. This is also how communist brain washing campaign work, where the communist rulers, persuaded the children to a distorted perspective at a young age, in prior to themselves, having an opportunity, to develop any opinions, to begin with, Nazi Germany used the exact same technique too and created the Hitler Youth and as a result, many of those who fought street battles with the allied forces, after Nazi Germany fall, were member of Hitler Youth. Such persuasion technique, also plays a big role, in the maintain a conservative ideology, to survive in a society, the parents who believe in this conservative ideology, would persuade their children to these perspective, at a young age, in prior to them, having the opportunity, to develop any understanding or perspective of their own, although those parents usually consider what they are doing, to be educating their children, rather than persuading. It is much easier to persuade children to a distorted perspective, under this sort of circumstances, because they are yet to have any opportunity, to have real understanding or develop perspective of their own. In your case, you are been persuaded to perspective, in regards to what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, at that young age, also in prior to you having the opportunity, to develop any self-understanding, towards love and happiness to begin with. To make you feel better, you are not along in this, there are other people, who have been persuaded to believe in all sort of distorted perspective, every day, due to all sort of reason and there are a lot of people, that still hasn’t woken up from it, despite the fact they are now adults and you are not the only one that has gotten into a physical and/or emotional abusive relationship as a result, there are others out there just like you. Statistically, 40% of Australian women, been in some form of abusive relationship, I am guessing, most of them gotten into that sort of relationships, more or less, due to reasons, same or similar to yours.” Fatima said
“That reminded me of this woman, Lucy Thomas. She also had a distorted perspective, in regards to what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, which is to be a heterosexual marriage that is very romantic. Fortunately, she married her husband, who is a decent guy, but her husband doesn’t really work in coalition with her idea of what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, because he isn’t very romantic. Because of Lucy’s distorted perspective, she left her very happy marriage of twenty years. Just because it isn’t a very romantic relationship and went to search for a relationship that is in coalition with what she believes, true love and true happiness should to be. Her husband remarried, some young, hot, twenty-two years old girl that is half his age and Lucy remain as forty-five years old, pathetic old lady, who is still searching for her own looser perspective, in regards to what true love and true happiness is supposed to be, what a looser.” Muhammad mocked.
“She ended up getting con.” Fatima said
“Really?” Muhammad said
“Yeah, she met a con man, who explore her distorted perspective and took all her money and ran away. She was heartbroken.” Fatima said
“The moral of that story, once again, don’t follow anything you believe in passively, disregards to why you believe in it, exam it, based on all the facts and figures, objectively only, without any bias.” Muhammad said
“You were the victim, of a been persuaded to a distorted perspective, when you were young, while you were still a child, but now as an adult, you are able to change it. You have the capability to be your own knight in shinny armor, to rescue yourself from the distorted perspective, you were been persuaded to believe in. I know some time, you wish for a knight in shinny armor to rescue you, I understand, I am a woman too. But sometime, we have to be our own knight in shinny armor and sometime nobody can be our knight in shinny armor, other than ourselves, other people, can at most mentor us, so we can play our own knight in shinny armor.” Fatima said
“FYI, I know one of the reason that you might stay in this relationship with Sam, is because he says he love you and cares about you and growing up from an unloved up brining, you might strongly desired wanting to be love, a lot, so FYI, fact number 1, Sam doesn’t love and care about you, disregards to what you believe in, fact number 2, there are a lot of people who care about you, I don’t, but Fatima does, Chan use to care about you, Tang care enough to say that he is willing to help you, if you are willing to help yourself and Emma still cares about you. So, you still have a lot of people that love you and care about you.” Muhammad said Muhammad didn’t look at Hailey even once, throughout this conversation. He was relaxing, lying upon his beach chair.
Fatima took another sip of her tea “One more thing, I guess one of the main reasons you believe Sam loves and cares about you, is because he says so, isn’t it?” Fatima said
Hailey nodded
“And it is just like what Muhammad said, growing up with an unloved childhood, has caused you to desire to be love very much, isn’t it?” Fatima said
“I…I yes.” Hailey finally said
“I thought so and that is probably the case, sometime, when a person want to believe in something badly enough, they would choose to believe in a lie, rather than the truth, so they can continue to believe in the existence of something that isn’t there and that is exactly what happened with you, within your relationship with Sam, isn’t it? Deep down inside, you know he doesn’t love you and he doesn’t care about you, but you want to believe you are been love so much, you refuse to believe otherwise and that is another reason that you stay in that relationship, isn’t it? Be honest with yourself Hailey” Fatima said, Fatima knows, that the most difficult thing for Hailey right now, is for her to face herself.
“No,” Hailey replied
“Really? Is that just something you are telling yourself or is that the truth, come on, be honest with yourself, I dare you to.” Fatima said
“I just…” Finally, Hailey burst into tears and started crying.
“It’s ok girl, its ok.” Fatima said, she gave Hailey a hug. “It’s ok”
Hailey kept crying. Fatima hugged Hailey, the same way she hugs and comfort her daughter, while she cries.
Hailey had a long cried and finally, she was all cried out, she felt like a brand-new person and for the first time, in a very long time, of her life, she was finally thinking with a clear head and now, she knows what she should do. The first thing for her to do, is to make a clean break from Sam and start a new chapter in her life.
“I need to make a phone call.” Hailey finally smiled and said
“What for?” Fatima said
“I am dumping Sam. I am going to Taiwan.” Hailey smiled and said “and I also think that, I own Chan and Emma one apologizes.”
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