~During the exact same time at Sydney
Fatima was in the recording studio, recording her new album. Ever since winning Australia Idol three years ago, Fatima is now one of the most popular pop stars in Australia.
Five minutes later, Chan walked in. Chan didn’t make a sound. He stood at the back of the studio and waited.
Fatima did not saw Chan, she kept recording for another fifteen minutes, until she finished.
“Ok, great work Fatima.” The producer said
“Thanks Bart.” Fatima replied
That was all the recording they were doing for that day, they have finished, and everybody were starting to pack up their stuff and leave, including Fatima. It was only now Fatima saw Chan standing at the back of the room.
“Chan!” Fatima yelled happily
“Hey, Fatima, how are you?” Chan smiled, he started to walk forward.
Chan and Fatima knew each other from Uni. After Fatima became a pop star, she used her influence to assist Chan, to get him reelected for MP, for a second term.
“What are you doing here?” Fatima asked
“What, I’ve only been here for a little while and you want to get rid of me already?” Chan joked
“No.” Fatima laughed “Anyway how’s Emma?” Fatima asked
“She is alright.” Chan asked
“You love that Turkish restaurant me and my husband bring you guys to last week? It is good, isn’t it?” Fatima smiled
“It is lovely. Emma is keep going on about, how she wants that Chicken recipe.” Chan said
“I’ll Email her a copy of it, tonight.” Fatima said
“You know?” Chan asked
“Sure, I’m Turkish.” Fatima said “I’ll Email it to her, tonight.” Fatima said
“So, Fatima what have you been up to lately?” Chan asked
“Nothing much, recording this new album and have to start filming the MTV for its first single on Monday and oh yeah, guess what, I am going to have a concert in the opera house.” Fatima said
“Wow that is so cool, I will go for sure, if I got the time and can afford the tickets.” Chan said
“Thanks bro, so what have you been doing lately?” Fatima asked
“Well, I am here talking to you, so I missed today’s episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers rerun.” Chan said
“I swear to god, you are a thirty-two years old and you are still watching Power Rangers?” Fatima said
“It is a classic.” Chan said
“Oh, my god, I can’t believe I help you get into power. Yeah, I feel really comfortable with you running the country.” Fatima said
Chan laughed
“So, Fatima are you still working as a psychologist?” Chan asked
“I still do some counseling work with youth on Thursdays, why?” Fatima asked
Chan hanged Fatima an A4 size envelope.
“What is it?” Fatima asked
“Look at it.” Chan replied
Fatima opened the envelope and had a look at the material inside.
“And you want me to get involve with this?” Fatima asked
“The Senate is blocking our government’s bill. They do not see the important of it, so we have to do it via another form of method, one that doesn’t require passing through Senate. The last thing we need is another Konara riot on our hand, but some of those youth with a gangster tendency both Muslims and none Muslims…well go without saying, they got problems. The Konara riot made it into international news, some people living in other countries, thought Australia was about to break into civil war, when they saw the news. We made it into the international news section that time, but not in a good way.” Chan said
“I know, the drummer of my band, her brother lives in Japan and she was calling back to Australia asking, ‘what is going on in Australia, is Australia break into civil war?’ real story” Fatima said
“I know, anyway, as a Muslim, a successful celebrity and a psychologist, it makes you perfect, to be the face of this campaign.” Chan said
Fatima put the document into her purse. “I’ll think about it.” She said “I’ll give you my response on Monday.” She added
“Thanks” Chan said
“You want to go grab lunch?” Fatima asked
“Oh, thank god, I thought you never ask. I am starving. I haven’t eaten anything since last night.” Chan said
“Why” Fatima asked
“I got too much work to do, so I didn’t eat any. It is a mountain of documents from a bunch of unions and reports from education and financial experts, to be more precise. I need to form a decision based on those documents quickly, argggg my head hurts” Chan said
“What decision?” Fatima asked
“You will read all about it in the Sydney Morning Herald on Monday, we still have to debate about it in parliament. I bet the opposition party is going to give us hell of a hard time on this.” Chan said
Fatima and Chan started walking out of the recording studio and started walking onto the street.
“There is a MacDonald across the street.” Fatima said
“Mmm...MacDonald” Chan smiled and started imitating Homer Simpson’s action while thinking about food.
Fatima and Chan started walking towards the direction of the MacDonald restaurant.
“Fatima can you sign our autograph please?” two girls in their early teens, walked up to Fatima and said
“Sure” Fatima quickly replied and quickly signed the girls’ CD and took a photo with them and then the girls left.
“Well, that never happens to me before.” Chan said
“Yes, well, that’s life.” Fatima said “So have you been in contact with Hailey?”
” Way too often, she and Emma are like BFF.” Chan said
“I haven’t seen Hailey in ages, how is she?” Fatima asked
“Well, according to her information, Hailey is still going out with Sam. You know how I told you, Hailey once told me that Sam told her that he is going to married somebody else, who is rich someday and still keep on seen Hailey afterwards and Hailey agree to it? Well, he did it. He married a rich girl call Nichole one year ago, for the money, after only know her for a few months.” Chan said
“And Hailey is ok with that?” Fatima asked
“Why do you think, I say she is in denial? If I don’t know about, she and Sam’s past, I would have guessed, they are most likely to be one of those gold digger couple.” Chan said
“But they are not.” Fatima said
“I never say anything in definite, not unless I can be 100% sure. But no, I think gold digger couple is very unlikely.” Chan said
“I can’t believe she would put up with that shit. I won’t.” Fatima said
“I think she is in denial. I told her since ages ago, if she goes through with this shit, she would be fucked downgraded from girl friend to mistress. But she is like, ‘No it isn’t, I am here first.’ I asked you to talk to her, but you never did, you’re a shrink, man.” Chan said
“I tried. But it is extremely hard to get her to talk about that sort of stuff, if she is not willing to talk to you about it.” Fatima said
“Well, she told me about it.” Chan said
“That is because she feels comfortable with you and trust you.” Fatima said
“Sometime that is not enough. I notice that Hailey is always wears pink, never anything else. I read from somewhere, the two main types of girls that wear so much pink, are the ones who hate men and the ones who are far too romanticize about love. If that is the case, I think she is somebody that is far too romanticized about love and if that is the case, I bet that is why she is still in a relationship with Sam. Based on what I know, Sam seems to be pretty good at sweeping a girl off her feet.” Chan said.
“It could be possible. The Australia Bureau Statistic did a research into this. The research suggests that there is a good chance over 40% of women in this country been in some form of physical or emotional abusive relationship. Some psychologist a few years ago, suggest what might cause such high rate, might be because, chasing after unrealistic fairytale romance or some firm believe that having a doggy man in their life, is better than having no man.” Fatima said
“Sound kind of like my mum, she believes the concept of finding a girl and settles down, is sooooooooo important.” Chan said
“Is that why you ended up with Emma?” Fatima asked
“Nan man, I don’t give a crap about my mum’s none sense conservative crap, about the important of find a girl and settle down and I won’t let her none sense nagging get to me either, but I am not going to rebel against it either. Whenever she talks about this none sense, I just let her words, go in from my left ear and go out from the right ear. I just go with the flow and this is just where the flow has taken me. You should understand, there is not a formula in life, especially when it comes to conservative value, you are a shrink. Getting married is good for some people, bad for others, depends on who they get married to for other people, for some other people it depends on the circumstances, etc. You are a shrink, you out of all people should understand.” Chan said
“I do, so what about Emma, good choice for you?” Fatima asked
“Bloody hell man, stop trying to shrink me. You are always trying to shrink me.” Chan said
“I am not trying to shrink you. I am asking you as a friend.” Fatima said
“Yeah right, well, I am glad I didn’t ask Hailey out. Can you imagine what will happen if I did?” Chan said
“You’ll be heartbroken now.” Fatima replied
“Worse, I’ll have a wife who screws around with some jerk name Sam, who treats her like crap, behind my back. That is ten times worse than having your heart broken.” Chan said
Fatima and Chan walked into the MacDonald restaurant and looked at the Menu.
“What are you getting?” Chan asked
“I probably get a salad. You?” Fatima said
“Big Mac” Chan replied
“You still don’t trust Hailey, do you?” Fatima asked
“I never fully trust anybody. Sometime, you can be wrong about a person.” Chan said
“You know what I mean.” Fatima said
“She can’t even be honest about the way she looks. I only saw her without make up twice. Look, I honestly don’t know, ok?” Chan said
“Alright” Fatima replied
“Oh yeah, guess who just bought the full first, second and third season of Power Rangers on DVD.” Chan said
“Oh, please don’t tell me” Fatima started
“Yap” Chan laughed
“Yes, I feel really confident with you running the country.” Fatima said
Chapter Three Part 2 of 2
Chapter Three Part 2 of 2
Fatima was in the recording studio, recording her new album. Ever since winning Australia Idol three years ago, Fatima is now one of the most popular pop stars in Australia.
Five minutes later, Chan walked in. Chan didn’t make a sound. He stood at the back of the studio and waited.
Fatima did not saw Chan, she kept recording for another fifteen minutes, until she finished.
“Ok, great work Fatima.” The producer said
“Thanks Bart.” Fatima replied
That was all the recording they were doing for that day, they have finished, and everybody were starting to pack up their stuff and leave, including Fatima. It was only now Fatima saw Chan standing at the back of the room.
“Chan!” Fatima yelled happily
“Hey, Fatima, how are you?” Chan smiled, he started to walk forward.
Chan and Fatima knew each other from Uni. After Fatima became a pop star, she used her influence to assist Chan, to get him reelected for MP, for a second term.
“What are you doing here?” Fatima asked
“What, I’ve only been here for a little while and you want to get rid of me already?” Chan joked
“No.” Fatima laughed “Anyway how’s Emma?” Fatima asked
“She is alright.” Chan asked
“You love that Turkish restaurant me and my husband bring you guys to last week? It is good, isn’t it?” Fatima smiled
“It is lovely. Emma is keep going on about, how she wants that Chicken recipe.” Chan said
“I’ll Email her a copy of it, tonight.” Fatima said
“You know?” Chan asked
“Sure, I’m Turkish.” Fatima said “I’ll Email it to her, tonight.” Fatima said
“So, Fatima what have you been up to lately?” Chan asked
“Nothing much, recording this new album and have to start filming the MTV for its first single on Monday and oh yeah, guess what, I am going to have a concert in the opera house.” Fatima said
“Wow that is so cool, I will go for sure, if I got the time and can afford the tickets.” Chan said
“Thanks bro, so what have you been doing lately?” Fatima asked
“Well, I am here talking to you, so I missed today’s episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers rerun.” Chan said
“I swear to god, you are a thirty-two years old and you are still watching Power Rangers?” Fatima said
“It is a classic.” Chan said
“Oh, my god, I can’t believe I help you get into power. Yeah, I feel really comfortable with you running the country.” Fatima said
Chan laughed
“So, Fatima are you still working as a psychologist?” Chan asked
“I still do some counseling work with youth on Thursdays, why?” Fatima asked
Chan hanged Fatima an A4 size envelope.
“What is it?” Fatima asked
“Look at it.” Chan replied
Fatima opened the envelope and had a look at the material inside.
“And you want me to get involve with this?” Fatima asked
“The Senate is blocking our government’s bill. They do not see the important of it, so we have to do it via another form of method, one that doesn’t require passing through Senate. The last thing we need is another Konara riot on our hand, but some of those youth with a gangster tendency both Muslims and none Muslims…well go without saying, they got problems. The Konara riot made it into international news, some people living in other countries, thought Australia was about to break into civil war, when they saw the news. We made it into the international news section that time, but not in a good way.” Chan said
“I know, the drummer of my band, her brother lives in Japan and she was calling back to Australia asking, ‘what is going on in Australia, is Australia break into civil war?’ real story” Fatima said
“I know, anyway, as a Muslim, a successful celebrity and a psychologist, it makes you perfect, to be the face of this campaign.” Chan said
Fatima put the document into her purse. “I’ll think about it.” She said “I’ll give you my response on Monday.” She added
“Thanks” Chan said
“You want to go grab lunch?” Fatima asked
“Oh, thank god, I thought you never ask. I am starving. I haven’t eaten anything since last night.” Chan said
“Why” Fatima asked
“I got too much work to do, so I didn’t eat any. It is a mountain of documents from a bunch of unions and reports from education and financial experts, to be more precise. I need to form a decision based on those documents quickly, argggg my head hurts” Chan said
“What decision?” Fatima asked
“You will read all about it in the Sydney Morning Herald on Monday, we still have to debate about it in parliament. I bet the opposition party is going to give us hell of a hard time on this.” Chan said
Fatima and Chan started walking out of the recording studio and started walking onto the street.
“There is a MacDonald across the street.” Fatima said
“Mmm...MacDonald” Chan smiled and started imitating Homer Simpson’s action while thinking about food.
Fatima and Chan started walking towards the direction of the MacDonald restaurant.
“Fatima can you sign our autograph please?” two girls in their early teens, walked up to Fatima and said
“Sure” Fatima quickly replied and quickly signed the girls’ CD and took a photo with them and then the girls left.
“Well, that never happens to me before.” Chan said
“Yes, well, that’s life.” Fatima said “So have you been in contact with Hailey?”
” Way too often, she and Emma are like BFF.” Chan said
“I haven’t seen Hailey in ages, how is she?” Fatima asked
“Well, according to her information, Hailey is still going out with Sam. You know how I told you, Hailey once told me that Sam told her that he is going to married somebody else, who is rich someday and still keep on seen Hailey afterwards and Hailey agree to it? Well, he did it. He married a rich girl call Nichole one year ago, for the money, after only know her for a few months.” Chan said
“And Hailey is ok with that?” Fatima asked
“Why do you think, I say she is in denial? If I don’t know about, she and Sam’s past, I would have guessed, they are most likely to be one of those gold digger couple.” Chan said
“But they are not.” Fatima said
“I never say anything in definite, not unless I can be 100% sure. But no, I think gold digger couple is very unlikely.” Chan said
“I can’t believe she would put up with that shit. I won’t.” Fatima said
“I think she is in denial. I told her since ages ago, if she goes through with this shit, she would be fucked downgraded from girl friend to mistress. But she is like, ‘No it isn’t, I am here first.’ I asked you to talk to her, but you never did, you’re a shrink, man.” Chan said
“I tried. But it is extremely hard to get her to talk about that sort of stuff, if she is not willing to talk to you about it.” Fatima said
“Well, she told me about it.” Chan said
“That is because she feels comfortable with you and trust you.” Fatima said
“Sometime that is not enough. I notice that Hailey is always wears pink, never anything else. I read from somewhere, the two main types of girls that wear so much pink, are the ones who hate men and the ones who are far too romanticize about love. If that is the case, I think she is somebody that is far too romanticized about love and if that is the case, I bet that is why she is still in a relationship with Sam. Based on what I know, Sam seems to be pretty good at sweeping a girl off her feet.” Chan said.
“It could be possible. The Australia Bureau Statistic did a research into this. The research suggests that there is a good chance over 40% of women in this country been in some form of physical or emotional abusive relationship. Some psychologist a few years ago, suggest what might cause such high rate, might be because, chasing after unrealistic fairytale romance or some firm believe that having a doggy man in their life, is better than having no man.” Fatima said
“Sound kind of like my mum, she believes the concept of finding a girl and settles down, is sooooooooo important.” Chan said
“Is that why you ended up with Emma?” Fatima asked
“Nan man, I don’t give a crap about my mum’s none sense conservative crap, about the important of find a girl and settle down and I won’t let her none sense nagging get to me either, but I am not going to rebel against it either. Whenever she talks about this none sense, I just let her words, go in from my left ear and go out from the right ear. I just go with the flow and this is just where the flow has taken me. You should understand, there is not a formula in life, especially when it comes to conservative value, you are a shrink. Getting married is good for some people, bad for others, depends on who they get married to for other people, for some other people it depends on the circumstances, etc. You are a shrink, you out of all people should understand.” Chan said
“I do, so what about Emma, good choice for you?” Fatima asked
“Bloody hell man, stop trying to shrink me. You are always trying to shrink me.” Chan said
“I am not trying to shrink you. I am asking you as a friend.” Fatima said
“Yeah right, well, I am glad I didn’t ask Hailey out. Can you imagine what will happen if I did?” Chan said
“You’ll be heartbroken now.” Fatima replied
“Worse, I’ll have a wife who screws around with some jerk name Sam, who treats her like crap, behind my back. That is ten times worse than having your heart broken.” Chan said
Fatima and Chan walked into the MacDonald restaurant and looked at the Menu.
“What are you getting?” Chan asked
“I probably get a salad. You?” Fatima said
“Big Mac” Chan replied

“I never fully trust anybody. Sometime, you can be wrong about a person.” Chan said
“You know what I mean.” Fatima said
“She can’t even be honest about the way she looks. I only saw her without make up twice. Look, I honestly don’t know, ok?” Chan said
“Alright” Fatima replied
“Oh yeah, guess who just bought the full first, second and third season of Power Rangers on DVD.” Chan said
“Oh, please don’t tell me” Fatima started
“Yap” Chan laughed
“Yes, I feel really confident with you running the country.” Fatima said
Chapter Three Part 2 of 2
Chapter Three Part 2 of 2
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