~The following day 25th June, Saturday morning, Gold Coast
Fifty-six years old, Sir Jeff Stanmore was still in bed, sleeping next to him, was his nineteen years old mistress Rita Zhan, who had successfully conned a mansion and two BMW out of Jeff and once she got an Australian citizenship out of him, Rita would divorce Jeff, kick him out and marry her high school sweet heart.
It was a sunny day and the master bedroom, which Jeff and Rita were sleeping in, had been shined brightly by the sun shine. Everything in the room is white. The bed room is on the second floor of the mansion that Jeff bought for Rita. In two months, Jeff and Rita would be married and Rita would be officially known as Rita Stanmore rather than Rita Zhan. Jeff was such a clueless dumb ass, he had no idea what Rita has prepared for him, Jeff was so happy that he felt he is flying upon the clouds.
Jeff first met Rita when he and his late wife Sabrina decided to rent the spare room of their house to an oversea student, after their elder son Simon gotten married and moved out and Rita happens to be that oversea student who rented the room.
Sabrina was born from an extremely wealthy family, she has been one of the top students
in both primary and high school and after she graduated from University, she was accepted into Harvard and did a Master and PHD in Business there. Sabrina was also a model while she was studying in Harvard, she could have become as big as Megan Gail and Tyra Banks and she knows it, but she chooses to give up on that opportunity and return to Australia, to help Jeff, her struggling truck driver boyfriend, who is her high school sweet heart. Jeff is not a very smart person, he didn’t do well in school either, but his is a good, naïve and innocent man, he is honest and hardworking and that is why Sabrina loved him and was willing to stick by him and make him successful. Rita came to Australia as an oversea student, her plan for coming to this country is simply, to get an Australian citizenship, then move her entire family to this country, she originally plan to get her citizenship via the Uni degree she is doing in this country, but when the Federal government made changes to the immigration policy, the degree she was studying, is no longer allegeable, for her plan, so she moved to step B and stupid Sir Jeff Stanmore become her perfect victim.
Jeff might be a successful businessman who has his own trucking company, but the truth is that Jeff is really an incompetent and naïve fool, who owns all of his successful to his wife. Sabrina is the brain and muscle behind Jeff’s entire enterprise and if it isn’t for Sabrina, Jeff would still be the broke high school graduated truck driver that he was thirty-seven years ago. However, because of Sabrina’s help, Jeff became so successful that he could even afford to buy himself a title as a knight!
However, now in his mid-fifties, Jeff is still as naïve and innocent, as he is thirty years ago and Rita knows about it and she intends to take advantage of Jeff’s innocence, to suit her. Three months after moving into Jeff and Sabrina’s home, Rita started to seduce Jeff. Rita is not the most attractive looking girl on the block, if she is, she would not have to settle for a fifty years old man. Rita is lower average appearance, but still looks reasonably descent and she knows what turns Jeff on sexually and she used it to her advantage, including the way she dress in the house, she always dress and act in a manner that makes her look as if she is a weak, delicate and fragile flower, in front of Jeff and after a bit over half a year Rita’s plan of seducing Jeff worked.
Sabrina eventually did suspect something and hired a private detective to investigate and in return, it was the evidence that Sabrina didn’t want to see, Jeff and Rita making love in a hotel room.
When Sabrina confronted Jeff about it, he openly declared his love for Rita, to his entire family and with that Jeff bought a mansion, which he and Rita went to move in together, as a couple and a few months later Rita also convinced Jeff to put this mansion, under her name, which he did.
Well, after all she given up for Jeff, you can image how furious Sabrina is, she can’t stop
Jeff and Rita from moving in together, but she doesn’t plan to give them the satisfactory of getting married either and she refused to sign the divorce papers.
When it became obvious that Sabrina is not going to sign the divorce paper, Rita started looking for some other naïve rich man to date, behind Jeff’s back, something Jeff never found out about, however Sabrina got so angry, a few month later she died of a stroke, now six months after Sabrina’s death, Rita and Jeff were getting married.
Now, Jeff woke up from the mansion, which he and Rita moved in together as a couple, which is also where they still live, everything within the master bedroom is white, Jeff thinks this is Rita’s favor color.
The doorbell of the mansion was ringing.
Jeff got off bed to answer the door, beside him Rita has been woken up by the ringing door bell.
“Go back to bed.” Jeff said to Rita softly and then he walked out of the room, went down stairs and answered the door.
Jeff opened the door. Standing outside the door, was Jeff’s daughter, Nichole. Now, you remember the rich girl who lives up in Gold Coast that Sam got married to? Well, Nichole is that girl. The truth is that, just like all of Jeff’s children, Nichole is furious at Jeff’s decision with Rita and the main reason she married Sam, is to intentionally make Jeff angry and unlike Hailey, Nichole doesn’t let Sam walk all over her and the second Sam treated Nichole in the wrong way, Nichole would make sure Sam would ended up living on the streets and sitting within the car that is on the side of the street, behind Nichole right now, is Nichole’s current boyfriend, Michael, but Nichole is not telling her father about Michael, because she wanted to piss her father off, with her marriage with Sam.
“Hey, sweet heart” Jeff said
“Hey Dad, I am just here to tell you that me, Simon and Mike are going to spread mum’s ashes tomorrow. I don’t think mum would want you to be there, but I figure I should tell you about it anyway.” Nichole said
Rita walked up to behind Jeff “Oh, hi Nichole.” Rita said
Nichole looked at Rita and smiled “Oh, hi slut.” Nichole said
“Look, I really wish you would be a little bit nicer to Rita, she is a very delicate girl…” Jeff didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence
“Delicate, you are kidding me, right?” Nicole cut right into Jeff’s sentence and said.
Jeff turned his head around to Rita, who was standing behind him “Why don’t you go into the house and grab yourself some breakfast.” Jeff said
“Alright” Rita said and then she walked back into the mansion and then into the kitchen, where she called for the servant to make her some breakfast.
“Look, I really wish you would be nicer to Rita…”Jeff’s sentence is cut off again
“You got to be kidding me, right?” Nichole said
Inside the kitchen Rita heard what Jeff was saying and almost laughed. “Stupid white people” Rita thought to herself.
What Jeff was saying right now, was one of the technique Rita used to seduce him. After spending two years, studying western culture in university, Rita tend to have a better understanding towards western conservative ideology then most westerns themselves. Rita know, as a result of the influence of western conservative culture and the effect of the nineteen century colonial culture, is that the western conservatives ideology constructed, a baseless assumption believe, about what none western worlds are like and because even today many people from a western country never been to the East and therefore have no factual information to contradict this set of garbage assumption that colonial culture and conservative culture has constructed about none western world, their effect still remains, to a certain extent, amount some people and Jeff is one of those people heavily affected by it.
Rita know for a fact that the influence of western conservative ideology’s believe for the west to be the parent and the none west to be the child, an ideology that can be dated back to the dark and middle ages, has led some westerners to have a tendency of thinking any form of modernization that took place, in none western country to be something that come into existence, due to western influence and as a result, a form of westernization, while having no prove to back it up. She still remembers once, when she told a white guy in Uni that in Asian culture, people believe everybody are rightfully equals and the white guy’s response was “So, today’s Asia must be very westernized because that is a western ideology.” In reality, Asian culture has believed in the concept of equality between all man, since thousands of years ago and a concept even spoken in Confusion ideology itself and the fact is that Asia’s believe in equality, has nothing to do with the west. Also, not to mention that in the west, the royal and none royal are still been refer to as “royal and commoners” even today, something a lot of Asians find highly
inappropriate, as they believe the concept of royalty, is a social constructed hierarchy, a social constructed ranking system, which put the people with a royal title at a higher rank and people without that title at a lower rank, but just because somebody rank higher within this social constructed hierarchy do not make then any less as a commoner then the one who rank lower. It is just like in the military, while the General would rank much higher than a private, it doesn’t change the fact they are both commoners still. And the fact that a person would be given the rank of been a royal within this social constructed ranking structure, do not change the fact he or she is still a commoner just like the rest of us. That white guy ended up getting bashed up by a group of very offended Chinese gangsters, a few days later that group of Chinese gangsters all went to jail for physical assault.
However, Rita chooses to use the ignorance of those influences by such western conservative ideology to her advantage, she knows for a fact that as a result of the nineteen century colonial culture and western conservative ideology, is that western conservative ideology believe for the west to be the parent and the none west to be the child and as a result, some westerner have a tendency of believing that all none western country to be sexist and any equality between men and women in the none western world come into existence due to westernization, despite the fact it is not true and western countries use to be sexist too, where women weren’t allow to go to university or to become a doctor. Rita also know for a fact that Australia conservative culture has the tendency of believing that a women is supposed to be a weak, helpless and innocent victim and those who fit the stereotype are real women, while those who doesn’t fit the stereotype are less as a woman, she also know that western conservative ideology’s stereotypical believe about Asia and about women, might be able to lead to some white guy having sexual fantasy about rescuing an Asian woman from her family forcing her into an unwanted arrange marriage or from an abusive relationship, from her husband and Rita intend to use these knowledge she got, in regards to western conservative culture to her advantage, to enchant a white guy and turn him into her lap dog/puppet. Rita knows such technique would never work on white person who lived in an Eastern country, because they know way too much about the Eastern world, but considering the fact Jeff never been to Asia and is a firm conservative that love the motto of “Return to the good old fashion conservative values.” And consider how naïve and innocent Jeff is, Rita believes such enchantment would be easy to apply to Jeff and such enchantment plays a big role, in how she is able to manipulate Jeff right now.
Rita used Jeff’s firm believe in the motto of “Return to the good old fashion conservative value.” to justify her action to her family in China, who are 100% against what Rita is doing to Jeff. Rita’s excuse to her family in China is “Western conservative values, equals the stolen generation in Australia. So, if Jeff would say Good old fashion conservative value, then, he is racist that support the inhuman action taken against the stolen generation.” And Rita makes sure her family knows what the stolen generation in Australia is all about, even so her family still disapprove what Rita is doing and has chosen rather not come to Australia, at the cost of their daughter breaking up some naïve old man’s marriage. To a certain extend Rita, do believe that Jeff is a man who support the Stolen Generation policy, because he is a firm believer in western conservative value, so she got no problem taking Jeff for all he got.
“Rita is a very delicate girl, she is shy and innocent, and she needs to be protected.” Jeff said to Nichole, he and Nichole were still standing at the door way of the mansion.
“Yeah and at the cost of mum’s death.” Nichole said she felt like throwing up.
“Any way, that is enough about me. How are things with you and your husband?” Jeff asked
“Sam is starting up his business. He is opening up his own new restaurant. I think the money you gave him, really help. But I don’t think he would succeed.” Nichole said
“I don’t know, what are you, still doing with that looser.” Jeff said
“Well, I don’t know what you are still doing with that slut…opps, I mean the Virgin Mary.” Nichole said sarcastically.
“Look, Rita really is a lovely girl. She is sweet, innocent and delicate. I just want to protect her. She got nobody in this country, you know? You would really like her, once you get to know her.” Jeff said
“Yeah, in the same time, mum is six feet under.” Nichole said, she sighs “Look Dad, I got to run, I’ll see you around, ok?” Nichole said
“Alright, sweet heart” Jeff said.
Nichole turned around and started walking away from Jeff’s house.
Jeff watched his daughter walk down the drive way, for a few seconds and then he went to join Rita in the kitchen.
Outside the house, Nichole walked into the front passenger seat of the car that Michael was sitting in.
“How is the conversation, with your Dad?” Michael asked
“Don’t ask me that, that man is dead to me, my father is dead.” Nichole said.
Michael drove the car away.
The car is forty-year-old Toyota, it is still in great shape, but its appearance still shows its age.
The car’s radio, was playing Shannon Noll’s song.
“I love this guy, he is so cool.” Nichole said, she started singing along with the radio.
“So, how long are you going to stay, with that looser?” Michael asked, Michael knows all about Sam.
“Until, my dad got a heart attack, after losing his temper.” Nichole said. “I am not going to let that gold digger get a single cent, you know, that right?” Nichole said
“I know.” Michael replied
“I haven’t thought of how yet, but I and my brothers would think of something.” Nichole said
“Well, the first thing you have to do, is to find a way, to get that house out of Rita’s name and that is going to be tough, she is a cleaver woman, she won’t be trick that easily.” Michael said
“I know” Nichole replied.
A minute later, Nichole’s mobile phone rang, Nichole looked at it, it was Sam. Nichole turned down the volume of the radio, so she could hear Sam over the phone.
“Oh, hi baby. How are you doing?” Nichole said to Sam, over the phone
“I am coming back on Sunday, is there anything you want me to get for you?” Sam asked
“Oh, can you get me one of those…what do you call it?” Nichole tried to think of something to get Sam to bring, but couldn’t think of anything, she started tapping on Michael and lip talk to him, telling Michael to help her think of something that is a pain in the butt to get.
“That thing, you saw on the internet the other day. That will take him a whole afternoon.” Michael whispered into Nichole’s ear, when they finally reached a red light.
“You know that thing I saw on the internet on Wednesday?” Nichole said
“What thing?” Sam asked
“What is the matter with you? You never pay attention to, anything I am interest in.” Nichole said
This got Sam worried “Alright, alright, it is those shoes, right? Those red high heels, right? I’ll find a pair for you.” Sam quickly said
Michael couldn’t help laughing.
“Yap those.” Nichole said
“Alright, I’ll find a pair. I promise.” Sam said
Michael was laughing hard.
“What is that noise?” Sam asked, Sam doesn’t know about Michael
“Oh nothing, I am just watching sitcom, on TV right now. Well, love you, bye.” Nichole said
“Bye.” Sam replied
Nichole turned off her cell phone and put it into her pocket.
“That pair of shoes will take him, at least an entire day to find.” Michael said
“That is the whole idea.” Nichole smiled.
Then Nichole and Michael kissed each other on the lips.
Chapter Three Part 1 of 2
Chapter Three Part 1 of 2
Fifty-six years old, Sir Jeff Stanmore was still in bed, sleeping next to him, was his nineteen years old mistress Rita Zhan, who had successfully conned a mansion and two BMW out of Jeff and once she got an Australian citizenship out of him, Rita would divorce Jeff, kick him out and marry her high school sweet heart.
It was a sunny day and the master bedroom, which Jeff and Rita were sleeping in, had been shined brightly by the sun shine. Everything in the room is white. The bed room is on the second floor of the mansion that Jeff bought for Rita. In two months, Jeff and Rita would be married and Rita would be officially known as Rita Stanmore rather than Rita Zhan. Jeff was such a clueless dumb ass, he had no idea what Rita has prepared for him, Jeff was so happy that he felt he is flying upon the clouds.
Jeff first met Rita when he and his late wife Sabrina decided to rent the spare room of their house to an oversea student, after their elder son Simon gotten married and moved out and Rita happens to be that oversea student who rented the room.
Sabrina was born from an extremely wealthy family, she has been one of the top students
in both primary and high school and after she graduated from University, she was accepted into Harvard and did a Master and PHD in Business there. Sabrina was also a model while she was studying in Harvard, she could have become as big as Megan Gail and Tyra Banks and she knows it, but she chooses to give up on that opportunity and return to Australia, to help Jeff, her struggling truck driver boyfriend, who is her high school sweet heart. Jeff is not a very smart person, he didn’t do well in school either, but his is a good, naïve and innocent man, he is honest and hardworking and that is why Sabrina loved him and was willing to stick by him and make him successful. Rita came to Australia as an oversea student, her plan for coming to this country is simply, to get an Australian citizenship, then move her entire family to this country, she originally plan to get her citizenship via the Uni degree she is doing in this country, but when the Federal government made changes to the immigration policy, the degree she was studying, is no longer allegeable, for her plan, so she moved to step B and stupid Sir Jeff Stanmore become her perfect victim.
Jeff might be a successful businessman who has his own trucking company, but the truth is that Jeff is really an incompetent and naïve fool, who owns all of his successful to his wife. Sabrina is the brain and muscle behind Jeff’s entire enterprise and if it isn’t for Sabrina, Jeff would still be the broke high school graduated truck driver that he was thirty-seven years ago. However, because of Sabrina’s help, Jeff became so successful that he could even afford to buy himself a title as a knight!
However, now in his mid-fifties, Jeff is still as naïve and innocent, as he is thirty years ago and Rita knows about it and she intends to take advantage of Jeff’s innocence, to suit her. Three months after moving into Jeff and Sabrina’s home, Rita started to seduce Jeff. Rita is not the most attractive looking girl on the block, if she is, she would not have to settle for a fifty years old man. Rita is lower average appearance, but still looks reasonably descent and she knows what turns Jeff on sexually and she used it to her advantage, including the way she dress in the house, she always dress and act in a manner that makes her look as if she is a weak, delicate and fragile flower, in front of Jeff and after a bit over half a year Rita’s plan of seducing Jeff worked.
Sabrina eventually did suspect something and hired a private detective to investigate and in return, it was the evidence that Sabrina didn’t want to see, Jeff and Rita making love in a hotel room.
When Sabrina confronted Jeff about it, he openly declared his love for Rita, to his entire family and with that Jeff bought a mansion, which he and Rita went to move in together, as a couple and a few months later Rita also convinced Jeff to put this mansion, under her name, which he did.
Well, after all she given up for Jeff, you can image how furious Sabrina is, she can’t stop
Jeff and Rita from moving in together, but she doesn’t plan to give them the satisfactory of getting married either and she refused to sign the divorce papers.
When it became obvious that Sabrina is not going to sign the divorce paper, Rita started looking for some other naïve rich man to date, behind Jeff’s back, something Jeff never found out about, however Sabrina got so angry, a few month later she died of a stroke, now six months after Sabrina’s death, Rita and Jeff were getting married.
Now, Jeff woke up from the mansion, which he and Rita moved in together as a couple, which is also where they still live, everything within the master bedroom is white, Jeff thinks this is Rita’s favor color.
The doorbell of the mansion was ringing.
Jeff got off bed to answer the door, beside him Rita has been woken up by the ringing door bell.
“Go back to bed.” Jeff said to Rita softly and then he walked out of the room, went down stairs and answered the door.
Jeff opened the door. Standing outside the door, was Jeff’s daughter, Nichole. Now, you remember the rich girl who lives up in Gold Coast that Sam got married to? Well, Nichole is that girl. The truth is that, just like all of Jeff’s children, Nichole is furious at Jeff’s decision with Rita and the main reason she married Sam, is to intentionally make Jeff angry and unlike Hailey, Nichole doesn’t let Sam walk all over her and the second Sam treated Nichole in the wrong way, Nichole would make sure Sam would ended up living on the streets and sitting within the car that is on the side of the street, behind Nichole right now, is Nichole’s current boyfriend, Michael, but Nichole is not telling her father about Michael, because she wanted to piss her father off, with her marriage with Sam.
“Hey, sweet heart” Jeff said
“Hey Dad, I am just here to tell you that me, Simon and Mike are going to spread mum’s ashes tomorrow. I don’t think mum would want you to be there, but I figure I should tell you about it anyway.” Nichole said
Rita walked up to behind Jeff “Oh, hi Nichole.” Rita said
Nichole looked at Rita and smiled “Oh, hi slut.” Nichole said
“Look, I really wish you would be a little bit nicer to Rita, she is a very delicate girl…” Jeff didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence
“Delicate, you are kidding me, right?” Nicole cut right into Jeff’s sentence and said.
Jeff turned his head around to Rita, who was standing behind him “Why don’t you go into the house and grab yourself some breakfast.” Jeff said
“Alright” Rita said and then she walked back into the mansion and then into the kitchen, where she called for the servant to make her some breakfast.
“Look, I really wish you would be nicer to Rita…”Jeff’s sentence is cut off again
“You got to be kidding me, right?” Nichole said
Inside the kitchen Rita heard what Jeff was saying and almost laughed. “Stupid white people” Rita thought to herself.
What Jeff was saying right now, was one of the technique Rita used to seduce him. After spending two years, studying western culture in university, Rita tend to have a better understanding towards western conservative ideology then most westerns themselves. Rita know, as a result of the influence of western conservative culture and the effect of the nineteen century colonial culture, is that the western conservatives ideology constructed, a baseless assumption believe, about what none western worlds are like and because even today many people from a western country never been to the East and therefore have no factual information to contradict this set of garbage assumption that colonial culture and conservative culture has constructed about none western world, their effect still remains, to a certain extent, amount some people and Jeff is one of those people heavily affected by it.
Rita know for a fact that the influence of western conservative ideology’s believe for the west to be the parent and the none west to be the child, an ideology that can be dated back to the dark and middle ages, has led some westerners to have a tendency of thinking any form of modernization that took place, in none western country to be something that come into existence, due to western influence and as a result, a form of westernization, while having no prove to back it up. She still remembers once, when she told a white guy in Uni that in Asian culture, people believe everybody are rightfully equals and the white guy’s response was “So, today’s Asia must be very westernized because that is a western ideology.” In reality, Asian culture has believed in the concept of equality between all man, since thousands of years ago and a concept even spoken in Confusion ideology itself and the fact is that Asia’s believe in equality, has nothing to do with the west. Also, not to mention that in the west, the royal and none royal are still been refer to as “royal and commoners” even today, something a lot of Asians find highly
inappropriate, as they believe the concept of royalty, is a social constructed hierarchy, a social constructed ranking system, which put the people with a royal title at a higher rank and people without that title at a lower rank, but just because somebody rank higher within this social constructed hierarchy do not make then any less as a commoner then the one who rank lower. It is just like in the military, while the General would rank much higher than a private, it doesn’t change the fact they are both commoners still. And the fact that a person would be given the rank of been a royal within this social constructed ranking structure, do not change the fact he or she is still a commoner just like the rest of us. That white guy ended up getting bashed up by a group of very offended Chinese gangsters, a few days later that group of Chinese gangsters all went to jail for physical assault.
However, Rita chooses to use the ignorance of those influences by such western conservative ideology to her advantage, she knows for a fact that as a result of the nineteen century colonial culture and western conservative ideology, is that western conservative ideology believe for the west to be the parent and the none west to be the child and as a result, some westerner have a tendency of believing that all none western country to be sexist and any equality between men and women in the none western world come into existence due to westernization, despite the fact it is not true and western countries use to be sexist too, where women weren’t allow to go to university or to become a doctor. Rita also know for a fact that Australia conservative culture has the tendency of believing that a women is supposed to be a weak, helpless and innocent victim and those who fit the stereotype are real women, while those who doesn’t fit the stereotype are less as a woman, she also know that western conservative ideology’s stereotypical believe about Asia and about women, might be able to lead to some white guy having sexual fantasy about rescuing an Asian woman from her family forcing her into an unwanted arrange marriage or from an abusive relationship, from her husband and Rita intend to use these knowledge she got, in regards to western conservative culture to her advantage, to enchant a white guy and turn him into her lap dog/puppet. Rita knows such technique would never work on white person who lived in an Eastern country, because they know way too much about the Eastern world, but considering the fact Jeff never been to Asia and is a firm conservative that love the motto of “Return to the good old fashion conservative values.” And consider how naïve and innocent Jeff is, Rita believes such enchantment would be easy to apply to Jeff and such enchantment plays a big role, in how she is able to manipulate Jeff right now.
Rita used Jeff’s firm believe in the motto of “Return to the good old fashion conservative value.” to justify her action to her family in China, who are 100% against what Rita is doing to Jeff. Rita’s excuse to her family in China is “Western conservative values, equals the stolen generation in Australia. So, if Jeff would say Good old fashion conservative value, then, he is racist that support the inhuman action taken against the stolen generation.” And Rita makes sure her family knows what the stolen generation in Australia is all about, even so her family still disapprove what Rita is doing and has chosen rather not come to Australia, at the cost of their daughter breaking up some naïve old man’s marriage. To a certain extend Rita, do believe that Jeff is a man who support the Stolen Generation policy, because he is a firm believer in western conservative value, so she got no problem taking Jeff for all he got.
“Rita is a very delicate girl, she is shy and innocent, and she needs to be protected.” Jeff said to Nichole, he and Nichole were still standing at the door way of the mansion.
“Yeah and at the cost of mum’s death.” Nichole said she felt like throwing up.
“Any way, that is enough about me. How are things with you and your husband?” Jeff asked
“Sam is starting up his business. He is opening up his own new restaurant. I think the money you gave him, really help. But I don’t think he would succeed.” Nichole said
“I don’t know, what are you, still doing with that looser.” Jeff said
“Well, I don’t know what you are still doing with that slut…opps, I mean the Virgin Mary.” Nichole said sarcastically.
“Look, Rita really is a lovely girl. She is sweet, innocent and delicate. I just want to protect her. She got nobody in this country, you know? You would really like her, once you get to know her.” Jeff said
“Yeah, in the same time, mum is six feet under.” Nichole said, she sighs “Look Dad, I got to run, I’ll see you around, ok?” Nichole said
“Alright, sweet heart” Jeff said.
Nichole turned around and started walking away from Jeff’s house.
Jeff watched his daughter walk down the drive way, for a few seconds and then he went to join Rita in the kitchen.
Outside the house, Nichole walked into the front passenger seat of the car that Michael was sitting in.
“How is the conversation, with your Dad?” Michael asked
“Don’t ask me that, that man is dead to me, my father is dead.” Nichole said.
Michael drove the car away.
The car is forty-year-old Toyota, it is still in great shape, but its appearance still shows its age.
The car’s radio, was playing Shannon Noll’s song.
“I love this guy, he is so cool.” Nichole said, she started singing along with the radio.
“So, how long are you going to stay, with that looser?” Michael asked, Michael knows all about Sam.
“Until, my dad got a heart attack, after losing his temper.” Nichole said. “I am not going to let that gold digger get a single cent, you know, that right?” Nichole said
“I know.” Michael replied
“I haven’t thought of how yet, but I and my brothers would think of something.” Nichole said
“Well, the first thing you have to do, is to find a way, to get that house out of Rita’s name and that is going to be tough, she is a cleaver woman, she won’t be trick that easily.” Michael said
“I know” Nichole replied.
A minute later, Nichole’s mobile phone rang, Nichole looked at it, it was Sam. Nichole turned down the volume of the radio, so she could hear Sam over the phone.
“Oh, hi baby. How are you doing?” Nichole said to Sam, over the phone
“Oh, can you get me one of those…what do you call it?” Nichole tried to think of something to get Sam to bring, but couldn’t think of anything, she started tapping on Michael and lip talk to him, telling Michael to help her think of something that is a pain in the butt to get.
“That thing, you saw on the internet the other day. That will take him a whole afternoon.” Michael whispered into Nichole’s ear, when they finally reached a red light.
“You know that thing I saw on the internet on Wednesday?” Nichole said
“What thing?” Sam asked
“What is the matter with you? You never pay attention to, anything I am interest in.” Nichole said
This got Sam worried “Alright, alright, it is those shoes, right? Those red high heels, right? I’ll find a pair for you.” Sam quickly said
Michael couldn’t help laughing.
“Yap those.” Nichole said
“Alright, I’ll find a pair. I promise.” Sam said
Michael was laughing hard.
“Oh nothing, I am just watching sitcom, on TV right now. Well, love you, bye.” Nichole said
“Bye.” Sam replied
Nichole turned off her cell phone and put it into her pocket.
“That pair of shoes will take him, at least an entire day to find.” Michael said
“That is the whole idea.” Nichole smiled.
Then Nichole and Michael kissed each other on the lips.
Chapter Three Part 1 of 2
Chapter Three Part 1 of 2
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