Fatima was on a filming set. She agreed to be the face of the campaign that Chan asked her to be, to decrease the possibility of another Konara riot, a riot between radical Muslims and none Muslim youth, with gangster tendency. Today, Fatima is filming the official TV commercial, for this campaign. The film set was outdoor set on a busy Sydney business district.
Chan and Fatima’s husband, Muhammad were on the site. Muhammad is an accountant, who work in the office building nearby, he is an average income earner, he and Fatima gotten married, years before Fatima become a rich pop star, but some people wonder whether Muhammad felt intimidate by the fact that his wife make more money than he does or whether they would actually ended up together, if Fatima is already a pop star, before the time they met.
Ever since Fatima become a popular pop star, one of her main charity works was to help increase understanding towards Muslim and None Muslim, she also uses her celebrity status, to help raise funds for World Vision Australia, encouraging people to donate money.
It was around five thirty in the afternoon, the place Fatima was filming today, was extremely close where Muhammad work and after work, Muhammad went to pick up their daughters from the private school, he and Fatima send their daughter to and then came here, he and Fatima agreed to take their daughter to see the new cartoon movie today, because she got an A in her math test.
“I bet you twenty bucks, there would be some radicals that are going to have some very bad things to say about this ad, we are making.” Chan said to Muhammad
“Muslim or None Muslim?” Muhammad asked
“Both.” Chan laughed
“Well, that is radicals for you, they got problems. They won’t be happy until they create world war three. They have a toxic tendency to try to get all Muslim to hate all none Muslim and all none Muslim to hate all Muslims.” Muhammad said
“Dame Right” Chan said
Then they threw each other a high five.
“You know, I got a funny idea, about those so call radicals, both Muslims and None Muslims. Maybe they are not radicals at all, maybe they are actually all member of the same secret society, which aim to take over the world and their aim is to make us hate each other, make all the Muslims hate the none Muslim and all the none Muslims hate the Muslims, so we can kill each other off and then by the time we almost finish each other off and is totally exhausted from killing each other, they would mobilize their undead army and take over the world. I mean, Muslim is the most dominate religion in the world, you know?” Muhammad joke
“Hmm, great plan, smart and smooth, hmm.” Chan joked.
However, in this time, Chan suddenly remembered, how there once was a Muslim guy, who recon Osama Blinladin and George Bush plotted 9/11 together, so they can invade Iraq for oil and the two men are secretly having fancy dinners together and he was actually serious about it. “Hmm…interesting theory, but nay I don’t see that happening.” Chan thought
A little while later, Fatima finished filming for the ad and walked off the filming set and started walking towards Chan and Muhammad. Fatima’s daughter ran to her mother. Fatima picked her daughter up into her arm and walked towards Chan and Muhammad again.
“Hey, thanks man, appreciate it.” Chan said
“Yeah, any time.” Fatima smiled and said.
“I heard Emma said that, you met with Hailey last night.” Fatima said
“Who’s Hailey?” Muhammad asks
“Some looser that is fucked up in the head.” Chan said to Muhammad “Seriously, are there anything you two don’t talk about?” Chan ask Fatima
“They are women. They never stop gossiping that is what they do.” Muhammad said
“That is why, just about all gossip magazines’ main audience, are woman.” Chan said
“I know.” Muhammad joke “But seriously, who is Hailey.”
“You remember that crazy ass girl who get bash up by her boyfriend and is in full on denial?” Chan said
“Yeah, she and her boyfriend are both fucked up in the head, it takes two to tangle.” Muhammad said
“Well, that is Hailey for you.” Chan said
“So, I heard you two met with Hailey last night.” Fatima said
“Don’t even talk about last night. I don’t even want to see Hailey ever again, after what happened last night.” Chan said
“What happened?” Muhammad asked
Chan told Muhammad and Fatima what happened last night.
“Oh, my god.” Fatima said
“I know, tell me about it. I swear to god, I don’t ever want to see her face again. That girl, I am telling you, nobody is able to help her, unless she is willing to help herself.” Chan said
“Well, are you guys all OK?” Fatima asked
“Well, Emma and I are both alright, considering the fact we went Jackie Chan on Sam and his mates’ ass. Hailey on the other hand, got it bad, Emma is keeping Hailey in the hospital, for a bit longer, to make sure she is Ok. She would be out by tomorrow.” Chan said
“Jesus” Muhammad said
“I know” Chan said, the three of them started walking towards the car parking lot.
“Her boyfriend got serious problem.” Fatima said
“They both got problem, Sam is fucked up in the head, which is why he would act that way to Hailey and Hailey is fucked up in the head that is why she put up with that shit, considering the fact she doesn’t really need to.” Chan said
“So, where is Hailey going to stay, after she got out of the hospital?” Muhammad asked
“I don’t know. To tell you the truth, I really don’t want to have anything to do with her anymore. I mean last night was quite dangerous, especially for me and Emma, you know? And it is always the same drill for Hailey, whenever she got problem with Sam, she come running to us, to escape the heat and then she goes back to him again, after the heat is over and then it is until next time. There is no way in hell that I am putting myself or my family through the sort of danger that happened last night, again. I told Hailey that this is the last time Emma and I are going to help her, if she is going to go back to Sam again after this, I don’t ever want to have anything to do with her, not anymore.” Chan said
“So, what did Hailey said?” Fatima asked
“Let’s put it this way, after today, I am never going to see her face again.” Chan replied
“Why?” Fatima asked
“She is going to go back to Sam again, that is why. She says that Sam is actually a very nice guy and he treats her well and really love her and make her feel special. She says she is just going to stay away for a few days, until she recovers and once this thing blows over, she is going to go back to him. And you know what that mean? It means that she will go back to him, until the next time she needs somebody to save her from that jack ass guy again and then start calling me and Emma to risk our life, to save her looser ass again. I told her this is the last time. We are not helping her again. After she got out of the hospital tomorrow, she is on her own. She can sleep on the streets, until her jack ass partner’s temper ease, for all I care. I am not letting her to have anything more to do with me or my family, especially considering the level of risk that is involved.” Chan said
“You know? You should always help other people, when they need help, if you are able to protect them. I mean, it isn’t like that Sam guy knows where you live. I am sure it won’t put you in a disadvantage position, helping her this way.” Muhammad said
“You know? Her jack ass boyfriend doesn’t know where you and Fatima live either, maybe we should shove Hailey to you guys’ place.” Chan said
“Ok, we’ll take her.” Fatima said then she turned to her husband “You alright about it?” Fatima asked Muhammad
“Of course, let Hailey stay at our place.” Muhammad said
“Ok, I will. You know that I am serious, right?” Chan said
“I know, its Ok, we will take her.” Muhammad said
“Ok, thanks.” Chan said
“I’ll pick Hailey up from the hospital tomorrow, where is that hospital anyway?” Fatima asked
“I’ll give you the address.” Chan said
“Aren’t you going there to meet Emma at the hospital tomorrow?” Muhammad asked
“Yap” Chan said
“Then maybe you should just take Fatima there with you. I mean, you guys would be seen each other again tomorrow, right?” Muhammad said
“Yeah, that would work, after work?” Chan said
“Alright, after work” Fatima replied.
“Hey, when Hailey is staying at your place, do me a favor would you?” Chan asked
“Sure, what it is?” Fatima asks
“Try to shrink Hailey, whatever she is fucked up in the head about that cause her to stay with that jack ass guy.” Chan said
"Yeah, sure, I’ll give it a shot. I mean, I am a shrink, right?” Fatima said
Chapter Eight Part 3 of 3
Which actress is best to play Rita Zhan
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Li Ming Hu |
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Dichen Lachman |
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