Hailey woke up around 7:30 AM in the morning.
Chan and Emma and their children Long and Ming had already woken up and were having breakfast.
Chan was wearing a suit and he had his suitcase, sitting in the chair, right next to him. Emma was wearing scrubs. She is a surgeon, within a hospital. Long, the older of the children, was in school uniform, he was in the first grade. After finishing breakfast Chan would take Long to school and Ming to daycare and then go to work, Emma on the other hand, who only worked part time, would pick the kids up after work.
“Good morning” Emma said after seen Hailey walked out of the room
“Hey” Hailey smiled weakly.
Chan took a look at Hailey and then turn back to his food. He couldn’t be bothered to pay any attention to Hailey.
“Hi” Hailey smiled at Chan weakly
“Mmm” Chan gave Hailey a slight acknowledgment, without even raising his head.
Hailey’s hair was a mess, but she still looked like an angel, she is one of the hottest girls most guys would probably have ever met, in their life.
Hailey came from a family with a drunk and unemployed father, who bashes her and her mother up on a daily basis. Hailey’s mother worked as a maid, to sustain the family income. When Hailey was ten years old, Hailey’s mother died of bow cancer. A few months, after her mother’s death, Hailey eventually got bashed up by her father so badly, she ended up in hospital, she was finally been send away, to a foster home. First, she was been send to live with her long-lost older brother, Johansson, who ran away from home, when he was around Hailey’s age. But a year later, Johansson, who was a Sergeant in the army Commando died, in a training exercise. Since then, Hailey moved from one foster home to another, until she was sixteen, where she worked as a night time checkout girl in a Woolworth Supermarket, to support herself, to finished high school and got into Uni.
Hailey believed there is a formula of life and there is a need to act according to it, as if it is a law and if you don’t act according to it, you will be thrown in jail for the rest of your life and it is probably because of her past, Hailey has become a bit of a dreamer, she started to dream of those fairytale romance and started to believe that is what true love and true happiness is and it became what she want and search for. Hailey loves the story of Cinderella, with the prince charming, coming to Cinderella, sweeping her off her feet and they would live happily ever after. Becoming a fairy tale princess, was what Hailey wanted and searched for. Hailey forgot that fairytales, including Cinderella are just stories, not reality, they are fiction, not none fiction, just like a soap opera, which are fictions, constructed by a group of writers, sitting in a big meeting room, rushing to make up a story line, to fill the audiences’ desires, in next week’s episode. Plus, Cinderella’s story, only say she and the Prince, live happily ever after, but never give a justifiable excuse of, why that is the case.
During her first year in university, when she was eighteen years old, Hailey met Sam, a guy that was studying Hospitality in TAFE, it turns out Sam is the type of guy that would bash up his girlfriend, he has an explosive temper and he has no way or interest in controlling it. If you are walking on the street and you look at Sam the wrong way, he would come up to you and want to bash you up and he has little respect for Hailey or care for Hailey.
But in the same time, Sam is also the type of guy, who would sweep a girl off her feet and since the very first day they started dating, Sam would tell Hailey how beautiful she is, how special she is, take her to romantic restaurant on her birthday, valentine day, Christmas and sometime just for no particular reason and he did everything in his power, to portray himself, as a character that will make Hailey fell safe with him, as a protector and it is probably because of that and her own long search for Cinderella romance, which Hailey wanted and believes in so badly, that Hailey unconsciously trapped herself in this relationship, due to these romantic gestures, which Sam offers. It is just like a loving mother, who put up with a bad relationship, just to be with her kids or a woman, who might put up with a bad relationship, just to stay married, to a rich man, there are some forms of conscious or unconscious pay off, for them to stay in those relationships.
As silly, as this might sound, to some people, Hailey was far too much in the mist of things, to see things clearly. Plus, how would she accept the fact, the fairytale and Cinderella romance, which she believes so much, are just stories?
In relationship to the abusive nature of Sam, Hailey choose to believe that this is merely a “no pain, no gain” situation and choose to believe that, true happiness require sacrifice.
Chan actually liked Hailey, when they first met, but Hailey had been dating Sam, for about a month by then, so Chan moved onto other girls.
Chan noticed there was something a bit off about Sam, right from the beginning, but because he liked Hailey during that time, he believed his judgment might be compromised and therefore decided to keep his silence.
For some odd reason, nobody really understands, Chan became the person, Hailey started to turn to, whenever she has relationship problem with Sam. Despite the fact that Chan moved onto other girls, he originally, still treated Hailey like a friend and as a result, listened to her, wining emotional problem, in the beginning.
However, as time passed, Chan eventually started to lose patient with Hailey, especially considering the fact, Hailey would defend Sam at all cost, when Chan speak ill of him. Plus, Chan never trusted Hailey 100%, he always kept in mind, there might be a slim possibility, with a plot twist and Hailey might turn out to be the one that really have a problem.
Chan is not a mind reader, but his instinct tells him, Hailey is in denial and is lying to herself, but he did not know why and the only advise he could give Hailey is that nobody could help her, other than herself and she need to, admit she got a problem, whatever that is and talk to a psychologist about it. An advice, Hailey was not willing to take up.
Eventually, Chan lost patient with Hailey and no longer want anything to do with her and after Hailey and Sam dated for around one year, Chan cut Hailey off completely and if it wasn’t for Emma, Chan still wouldn’t want anything to do with Hailey.
Emma and Chan met in a bar. When they first met, Chan was looking for nothing more, then a booty call and he got one out of Emma, but one week later, his mother came to visit from Hong Kong and to try to get his mother to stop nagging him, to find a girl and settle down, on a constant basis, he called Emma up and asked her out. Chan only asked Emma out, because he wanted to get his mum, to stop nagging him.
Unlike most people, Chan and his brothers Tang and Wang and his sister Mulan, doesn’t see the important of finding a girl, getting married, starting a family and have kids, as far as they consider, they can live with or without it. So, they are not eager to find a soul mate, in fact, they don’t care whether they find one or not and that worried the hell out of their conservative mother.
Chan was originally planning to dump Emma, the second his mother return to Asia and if it wasn’t because his mother stayed for a three whole month, Chan would never find quality within Emma, which make he finally decided to give Emma a real shot, which is the fact Chan got everything to gain from this relationship and nothing to lose, that he actually enjoy spending time with Emma enough that been in a committed relationship with her, felt opposite to feeling suffocating and considering the fact Emma is knock out hot, making it pretty cool to show her off to his friends, so after two years of dating, one preen-up that Emma signed and that she is Ok for Chan to put their house under Chan’s mother’s name, so he won’t lost everything in a separation, Chan and Emma moved in together.
Then, two years ago, Sam and Hailey moved in together. Before Sam and Hailey moved in together, Sam would only hurt Hailey on emotional bases, but after half a year, they’ve been living together, Sam started hitting Hailey too and those attacks Sam conducted, are physical assault.
Chan started to become the person, Hailey turns to, whenever she is having problem with Sam. Chan still want nothing to do with Hailey, but consider the fact he hasn’t seen Hailey for almost nine years, he figures whatever problem that caused Hailey to trap herself in that relationship, is gone and decided to help her again, by letting her sleep on the couch.
But it turns out, Hailey still hasn’t change and once it became obvious to Chan, he started wanting nothing to do with Hailey again.
Coincidentally, Emma and Hailey went to high school together and now because of Sam and Chan, Emma and Hailey got back in contact and are now BFF.
Chan has already lost patient with Hailey again and if it isn’t because of Emma, he would already gone from only letting Hailey sleep on the couch, to only allow Hailey to sleep in the hallway outside his apartment, to stuffing her in a motel somewhere he can’t see and then finally close the door on Hailey forever, again.
“So, are you going to work today?” Emma said
“Yap” Hailey said
“Are you coming back here, afterwards?” Emma asked
“I’ll go home.” Hailey said
“Why am I not so surprise, it is always the same drill.” Chan said dryly. “I swear to god, if my kids ever ended up in a school you teach in, I am pulling them out of that school, right away.” Chan said
“So, you think, I won’t be a good mother?” Hailey asked
Chan frowned “Are you fucked kidding me? Look at you, you can’t even take care of yourself and you even got a horrible taste in man, A.K.A jackass guy. I swear to god. Why you don’t, just dump his, looser ass, already?” Chan said
“Stop calling him that, he is not a looser. If you keep calling him that, I am going to get angry.” Hailey said
“Why am I not so surprised?” Chan said. He couldn’t be bothered to pay more attention to Hailey and turned his attention to the kids.
“Come on kids. Let’s go.” Chan said.
Chan stood up and started walking towards the front door. The children got off their chairs and ran to the front door.
“I’ll see you tonight.” Chan said to Emma.
Emma smiled “See you tonight.”
Chan and Emma kissed on the lips.
“Bye.” Hailey said
“Yeah, whatever” Chan replied
Then, Chan walked to the front door and open it, then he and the children exit the house and then Chan shut the door behind him. Inside the house, Emma and Hailey could hear the sound of Chan and the children outside for a few seconds and then it started to fade and finally disappear.
“Come on, you have to try my cooking.” Emma said
“Thanks, but I’m not hungry.” Hailey replied
“Try it or I’ll get angry.” Emma smiled
Hailey took a look at Emma. Hailey smiled and try a bit of food. It is only now, Hailey realized how hungry she is, she felt she could eat an entire horse, but she chooses to remain polite and only ate a little.
“It is good.” Hailey smiled after she finished.
“You see, I told you.” Emma replied “Come on, I’ll drive you to work.” Emma said
Hailey let Emma gave her a ride to work.
Hailey is a primary school teacher. Emma drove her car to the primary school where Hailey worked. Hailey got off the car.
“Thanks.” Hailey smiled
“You sure you don’t want to come back to my place, after work?” Emma said
“No, I’m fine, thanks.” Hailey replied
“Alright, I’ll see you around then.” Emma said and then she drove off.
Chapter One Part 3 of 3
Context Page
Which is best to play Hailey Walker?
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Teresa Palmer |
Mary Beth Haglin |
Chapter One Part 3 of 3
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