Nichole, Mike, Simon and Jeffery were on the fourth floor, of an old office building. They were there, to meet the specialist that Jeffery was talking about. There was also a Dental Surgery, a Law firm and an accountant office, on the same floor. The two other offices on this floor were empty, ready to be lease out.
Nichole, Mike, Simon and Jeffery were sitting on the couch, in front of the reception desk. Sitting behind the reception desk, was a white girl, in her early twenties, probably a university student. A few minutes later, the specialist came out.
“Jeffery my dear boy, how are you doing?” the Specialist said, he is a native Australian male, probably in his mid-sixties
“Hi elder, how are you?” Jeffery said, Jeffery is a white male, in his mid-forties, but out of respect, he still calls this Specialist, elder. After all, this old man, is his mentor.
“So, these are the clients you are telling me about?” The specialist said
“Yes, these are Nichole, Mike and Simon. They are Jeff’s children.” Jeffery said.
“Thank you Mr…” Nichole is still struggling, with his native Australian name.
“Ha, ha, ha, don’t worry about it, just call me Tom.” The specialist said
‘Thanks Tom.” Nichole said
“Well, step into my office.” Tom said
Nichole, Tom, Jeffery, Simon and Mike went into Tom’s office and they sat down on the couch. Nichole, Simon and Mike, sat on the couch with three seats. Tom sat on the couch with two seat and Jeffery sat on the couch with one seat.
“Jeffery told me about your situation.” Tom said
“We don’t know, what is wrong with him and we couldn’t get through to him.” Mike said
“Hmm, I think I know why. May I be straight forward, about what I think, is going on with your father here?” Tom said
“Yes, of course.” Mike said
“Look, one thing you have to understand about people, is that, we don’t do things, for no good reason. Sometimes, we might want something badly enough or want to believe in the existence of something that is not there, badly enough, we become blinded to the truth or refuse the truth and sometime the truth is just a little bit too much to handle, sometime they rather live in an imaginary world, where everybody is playing the role, he/she assign to them. Our Australia’s history is the best example of all. Now, I am not trying to lecture you, about how Aboriginals, was been treated in the history of this country, but what lead to some of these unjust, can explain what might be going on with your father. Do you know what does the early law of this country, refer to Aboriginal Australian as?” Tom said
“I don’t know the exact wording, but I think in the early colonial age, the law said that Aboriginal Australians are not humans, but merely the native wild life of this country.” Simon said
“Yes, that is correct and do you know why?” Tom said
“Well, I think one of the reasons was because they believe that Australians are White, but the fact is that in reality, there are already preexisting Native Australian in the country and they are not white, but black.” Simon said
“Yes, exactly and as a result, while dealing with the facts, that is completely otherwise to believes that Australian are white, what did they do? They start saying ‘no this isn’t right, Australian is supposed to be white, so what are we going to do about it.’ Instead of accepting the truth, which is Australians aren’t all white, because there are preexisting native Australians, who are not of white, but black, they simply started looking for any excuse to justify the idea that Australians are white, so therefore they say native Australians are merely the native wild life of Australia, not human. There, they found an excuse to justify that there are no humans in Australia, in prior to the white man’s arrival to this country and an excuse to say, why Australians are white, didn’t they?” Tom said
“Yes” Mike said
“Now, more recent, the stolen generation, what is one of the reasons that cause them to happen?” Tom said
“I think they believe that, they are brining civilization, to the natives, is it?” Nichole said, she was a bit scared of offending Tom, by that statement, but Tom was just fine.
“That is one, what else?” Tom asked
“Well, I think they want to assimilate the black…sorry native Australians...” Mike started
Tom smiled “It’s ok, you can say black.” Tom cut into Mike’s sentence and said
“Well, I think they want to assimilate the black into the white race, both culturally and biologically.” Mike said
“Indeed, you ever watch the movie, Rabbit prove fence?” Tom said
“Of course,” Simon, Mike and Nichole said in the same time.
“You remember in the movie Rabbit prove fence, they took the Aboriginal children away from their family and put them into a concentrated area and make them live there and put them under the custody of a group of savages, who happens to be white. Now, in that movie, the legal guardian of all native Australians, within that camp, was an elderly savage, a Dr. whatever his name is. But there was a scene, where he was making a presentation, to a whole bunch of white man, you remember that scene?” Tom asked
“Yes, he was making a presentation, towards what they consider, to be the solution to an issue…in regards to black…they consider as…” Nichole tried to think of a word to say that isn’t that offensive.
“What they consider as a black people problem? Don’t worry about it, just say it.” Tom said
“Well, there is no such thing call a black people problem, but yeah, they think there is a black people problem that needs to be resolve.” Nichole said
“And what is that black people problem, which they believe that needs to be resolve and what was the propose idea in that movie?” Tom asked
“Well, what they believe to be the black people problem is the fact that there are blacks within our country, there are Australians who are black.” Mike said
“And why do they believe, it is a problem?” Tom said
“Well, they believe Australians are supposed to be white. The idea that there are black Australians, fail the narrative structure, of what they believe Australians are supposed to be like.” Simon said
“Indeed, and how do they try to resolve this problem, which they believe they have?” Tom asked
“Well, firstly they try taking Aboriginal children away from their parents, so they would be culturally white and in that presentation by that Dr…I can’t remember his name, but you know, Dr. Savage he made a presentation saying, after three generation of interbreeding with white people, the descendent of those black would be white, therefore they assimilate black people into white, biologically. So, therefore, they assimilate the black into white, both culturally and biologically.” Nichole said
“Good, now we are getting somewhere and why are they doing that?” Tom asked
“Because they believe Australians are supposed to be white.” Mike said
“Excellent,” Tom smiled and said “Now we are getting somewhere and this has everything to do with your father.”
"People have a tendency, of expecting everything, to be in coalition, to what they believe in, when they believe in something badly enough. But the problem is that, sometime they believe in something, that is there and sometime they believe in the existence of something that is not there. And when people expect everything to be in coalition to what they believe in and refuse to believe otherwise and they believe in the existence something that is obvious not there, we got problem. The history of this country is the best example, some of the white people of those days, believes in the existence of something that is not there and they refuse to believe otherwise. Now, when reality strike, some of them who believe that Australians are white and refuse to believe otherwise, choose to ignore the reality that suggest otherwise and try to find ways to justify their believes, during the early history, they constructed opinion saying Native Australians to be merely animals of this land and they also try to assimilate Native Australians into the white, both culturally and biologically, so that there won’t be any Australians who aren’t white.” Tom said, he took a sip of the tea, which he got upon his table and continued talking.
“Well, your father most likely to be in that very same position, where he had a preexisting believe, in the existence of something that is not there and refuse to believe otherwise and because the reality is completely otherwise, we got a problem.” Tom said. He took a look at Nichole, Simon and Mike, none of them say anything.
“Let me guess, is your father a conservative?” Tom said
“Dad always tells us to follow the good old fashion conservative value, since we were kids, so I guess, yes.” Mike said
“Let me guess, your mother is a strong independent woman, who never really need your father to protect her, your mother is anything but a weak, helpless and innocent victim, instead she is a strong independent woman, is that correct?” Tom said
“Mum is a Harvard PHD in business. It is because of mum, that dad is such a successful businessman, mum did everything.” Simon said
“Let me guess, your father owns all of his success to your mother and if it wasn’t because of your mother, your father would not be so successful, I am guessing your father probably isn’t very well educated either, correct?” Tom said
Dad left school after year ten. He was never a bright student in school. Yes, dad owns all of his success to mum and if it isn’t because of mum, dad won’t be so successful today.” Nichole said
“I thought so.” Tom said, “Have you ever read about Rousseau?” Tom asked
“No” Simon, Mike and Nichole said in the same time.
“Rousseau is a man who lives during the eighteen centuries. He would be what I consider, as a typical example, of a western conservative extremist. He was original bisexual, but in the end decided to only be straight, because he believes a white male is supposed to be straight. He believes in the western conservative value, for the west to be the symbol of a masculine male and the none west to be the symbol of feminine female, for the west to be the parent and the none west to be the child. He is also a believer of western conservative culture that a real male is supposed to be strong and masculine and the female is supposed to be weak, helpless and innocent victim. Rousseau’s first relationship was a disappointment to him, because the none western woman, he was in relationship with, did not play into the stereotype, she was a strong independent woman, who doesn’t needs Rousseau’s protection, she spend money freely, make her voice to be heard as loud as his and even put him at arm’s length with a pistol, who she used to defend herself from her clients. This relationship, totally over throw the idea of the west to be parent and none west to be the child, in fact reverse it completely. This leads Rousseau to get into a relationship with a white woman name, Therese Le Vasseur, soon after. She is a shy woman, whose voice is rarely been heard and did not even protest when Rousseau put their five children into orphanage. Rousseau is totally empowered, to play the role, of been the masculine male, in this relationship, capable of protecting his woman.” Tom said
Simon, Mike and Nichole looked at each other.
“As much as I hate to admit this, these conservative ideas, are still very much alive in the west. Take for example, movies in western countries, in prior to Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, usually have the west to be a masculine male and the none west to be portray as weak female. When Bruce Lee first got into Hollywood, they didn’t expect his film to be such success, because he reverse it, in Bruce Lee’s movies, although he did acknowledge modern technology, he has the East to be the masculine one and the west to be the weak one, for example in the movie Enter the Dragon, there was a clear pattern in it, with Asian to be the toughest, the Black to be average and the White as the weakest. Bruce Lee end an era of western cinema, portraying the West to be the masculine male and none west to be feminine female. That is also why Bruce Lee is a culture icon, by some scholars, in the study of Western Culture.” Tom said
“Now, Rita is not white and considering the fact your father is a conservative, I think Rita is using these western conservative ideologies, to her advantage, to play your father and it are working. The relationship between your parents does not play into the role with your father as the masculine male, capable of protecting your mother and your mother as the weak and innocent victim, who needs the protection of your father, as a masculine male. In fact, the relationship between your parents reverses the stereotype. The weak one in this relationship is your father. Your father is in much debt, during his younger age and requires your mother coming to his rescues, to get him out of the bad position. Your mother turned your father, from a broke and in debt truck driver, to a successful businessman, who own a successful trucking company. But without your mother, your father is most likely, to still be a poor and broke truck driver, who is in much debt. Your father played the role of the weak person, who needs your mother’s protection, in this relationship. On the other hand, your mother plays the role of the masculine one, in this relationship, capable of protecting your father. She is the one who pull your father out of his financial crisis, your father owns all of those successes, to your mother. Then your mother turned him into the successful businessman, that he is today, your father owns all of his success to your mother, without her, he is probably nothing. So, in other word, within the relationship between your parents, the role has been reversed, with your father as the weak one, who need the protection of your mother and not capable of protecting your mother and your mother as the masculine one, capable of protecting your father and doesn’t need your father’s protection. I am sorry to be so straight forward here. If I am been offensive, I apologize for that too, but you are paying for my honest opinion, not for me to say nice things.” Tom said.
“Yes, I know.” Nichole said
“Please continue.” Simon said
“This is when Rita come in, she knows the relationship between your parents is that your mother is the masculine one, capable of protecting your father and doesn’t need your father’s protection and your father is the weak one who need the protection of your mother and not capable of protecting your mother and Rita knows that upset your father. Rita wants an Australian citizenship and she knows that by playing right into the stereotype of your father’s desire, she can use your father to get it. She act as if she is a weak, innocent and helpless victim, who needs your father’s protection and your father is capable of protecting her and she play the role of a person, not capable of protecting your father and get into a relationship with your father, under the circumstances, making your father believe that he has finally got into a relationship, where he is the masculine male, capable of protecting his woman and his woman needs his protection and his woman is the weak, helpless and innocent victim, not capable of protecting herself and needs your father’s protection and not capable of protecting your father. Rita also knows that our conservative ideology, believes for the west to be the parent and masculine male and the none west to be the child and a weak woman and she know your father is a conservative, so she played right into that stereotype with your father, hoping that it would work to her advantage and it did.” Tom said
“I think he is right, you know how Rita always act as if she can’t speak English very well, in front of our father, where in reality, we all know her English is totally fluent and she act as if she doesn’t know how to get anything done in Australia, where in reality, she know most of the government policy like the back of her hand and know how to use it to her advantage. She also knows the Civil and Criminal law of this country fluently, but act as if she doesn’t know it. She acts weak and fragile in front of dad, while she is really a strong and independent person and can even kick my ass in a fist fight, Jackie Chan style.” Simon said
“That is true and how many times did you hear dad say, Rita is a weak, fragile and delicate flower?” Nichole said
“So, we just have to show dad what Rita really is, that she is just acting as if she is the weak, helpless and innocent victim, who needs the protection of dad and that she is just pretending to be not capable of protecting herself, so she could make dad think he is in a relationship, with a woman, who is a weak, innocent and helpless victim that is not capable of protecting herself and need the protection of dad and make dad think that she is not capable of protecting dad, so dad could live with the illusion that he is in a relationship that he desire, which is a relationship where he is the masculine male, in a relationship with a woman, who is a weak, helpless and innocent victim, not capable of protecting herself and needs dad’s protection and she is not capable of protecting him.” Mike said
“That is a good start, but you have to understand, it might not be that simple. One thing you have to understand is that, your father might not be ready to handle the truth. I mean, been in a relationship like this, is something your dad want very badly and he believe he finally found one, now, by showing him the reality, which is otherwise, might be too much for him to handle, it might even cause him to reject the truth, that is completely otherwise, to what he believe in, just so he could continue to live in the imaginary world, where everything is in coalition to what he believe in. You have to take that into account also.” Tom said
“So, what are we going to do about it?” Nichole said
“I guess, this is the good thing, about been an Aboriginal guy, who has been through the white Australian policy. I’ll try think of something. I intent to work base on the theory that I just presented to you a little while ago, consider the fact that, I believe it is highly likely to be correct and there is evidence that support it already. Of course, if my theory is wrong, then my plan would definitely not work, so there won’t be any charge if I fall. The decision is up to you.” Tom said
“How much would you charge, if you succeed?” Mike asked
“Twenty thousand dollars” Tom said
Nichole, Mike and Simon looked at each other.
“I’ll step outside, so you guys can talk about it, amount yourself.” Tom said, he walked out of the office.
“Is he really that good?” Nichole asked
“He has a 99% success rate. Half of the time, he works on a hunch and his theories just about always turn out to be correct.” Jeffery said
“He said no success, no pay, right?” Nichole said
“Yes,” Mike replied
“Alright, I’ll hire him.” Nichole said
“Me too” Simon said
“Me three” Mike said
Ten minutes later, Tom walked back into the office. “Have you guys decided yet?” Tom asked
“We are in, where do we sign the contract?” Nichole said
“I’ll tell Sara to print out a copy for you.” Tom said and then he called receptionist, to print out a copy of the contract.
Nichole noticed a framed photo on the wall, with Tom in military uniform, surrounded by a group of White soldiers.
“You were in the army?” Nichole asked
Tom smiled “Australian Special Forces. This was taken back in Vietnam. I was a sergeant back then.” Tom smiled and said proudly.
“You fought in the Vietnam war?” Mike asked surprisingly
“Yes, we can’t let those god dame communists, walk all over us, right?” Tom smiled and said
Chapter Six Part 1 of 3
Which Actress is best to play Emma Simpson
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Delta Goodrem |
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Cobie Smulders |
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