Hailey drove the car back into the garage of her apartment. She has just been to the Supermarket to buy grocery. On Monday, Sam would be going back to the Gold Coast and Hailey was planning to make Sam’s favor dinner again, tonight. After last time’s failure, Hailey wanted to make the night special for Sam. Hailey turned off the car’s engine, took the grocery out of the boot of the car and started walking up the stairs to get to her apartment.
Hailey opened the apartment door and walked in. There were a few empty beers can, on the living room’s table. The radio was playing a Rock n’ Roll CD on top volume.
“Sam, are you home?” Hailey asked
There was no response. Hailey quickly put the grocery into the kitchen.
“Sam, are you home?” Hailey asked again.
There was still no response.
“Sam?” Hailey called again.
Hailey slowly started to walk to the other rooms of the house to search for Sam. She turned down the volume of the radio.
The second Hailey turned down the volume of the radio she heard the sound of a Sam and a woman giggling in her and Sam’s master bedroom.
Hailey walked towards the master bedroom. The bedroom door was closed. Hailey opened the door to the room. Inside it, Hailey saw Sam in bed, with another woman, in Hailey and Sam’s bed. Hailey stood there for a second and froze.
Sam took a look at Hailey “Jesus, don’t you knock?” Sam said
Hailey stood there, she didn’t respond.
“Sweetie, this is Samantha. Go grab me another beer, would you? This bottle ran out and I am having too much fun here, to want to stop.” Sam said to Hailey
Samantha giggled, “You are so wicked.”
Hailey, looked at the table, there were another two empty beer bottles on the small table beside the bed.
“I thought you said you are not going to do this anymore.” Hailey said she looked extremely upset.
“Oh Jesus, go get my beer would you, don’t make me wait.” Sam said
Hailey still didn’t response “I…”
“Jesus, what the fuck is the fucked problem with you, I am paying her by the hour you know? Do you know, how much do a fucked hooker cost, in this country?” Sam finally lost his temper.
This is not the first time Sam slept with a prostitute after Hailey and Sam been together and this is not the first time Sam brought a prostitute home and has sex with her in the bed that he and Hailey share, after they moved in together. Hailey thought she would be used to it by now, but the truth is that she still finds it hard to swallow.
“True happiness required sacrifice.” Hailey told herself in her mind.
Hailey swallow hard
“Alright sweetie, I’ll get your beer.” Hailey said
Hailey started turning around to the kitchen, to go grab Sam a beer. There were tears in Hailey’s eyes and by the time she finally reached the kitchen, Hailey was already crying.
A few seconds later, Hailey pulled herself back together, wipe away her tears, grabbed Sam’s beer from the refrigerator, went back to the master bedroom and gave it to Sam.
“There’s your beer.” Hailey said, the second she walked into the room, Hailey saw Sam having sex with Samantha. Hailey swallowed hard. The second she saw that scene, Hailey felt like crying and she fought hard to swallow her tears, but it was slowly emerging out.
“Thanks sweetie.” Sam smiled and said
“I have to go out, to take a walk.” Hailey quickly said, she walked out of the room, close the door behind her and then she ran out of the house. Tears was floating down the side of ?Hailey’s cheek, she ran all the way into her car and started crying out loudly.
Hailey drove her car away from the apartment and to another suburb nearby and parked the car beside the street and she just stayed there and kept crying for another two hours.
Then, Hailey pulled herself back together
“I am going to go home and pretend none of this ever happened. True happiness requires sacrifice.” Hailey told herself.
Hailey, wiped her tears away from her face, sighed heavily, turned on the car engine and started driving home again, to make dinner. Ten minutes later, her car reached her apartment.
Hailey sighed heavily. She really didn’t want to go into the house, think that Sam and Samantha were still in bed together. Hailey didn’t know how much more of this can her heart take, she took a look at the Barbie doll Sam bought her a few days ago. Hailey knows if she go upstairs and end this relationship right now, all of these romantic gesture would end, once she cut Sam out of her life, Sam would never send her flowers on valentine days, tell her how beautiful she is, sweep her off her feet and she will no longer have a man in her life and she honestly believe, this is what true happiness is and what true love is and she believes in the important of been in a committed relationship with a man.
“True happiness requires sacrifice. Remember what Amelia said when her boyfriend accidentally set the kitchen on fire and Chris asked why she hasn’t dumped him for that, she said ‘sometime there is a need to make compromise.’” Hailey told herself
With that Hailey decided maybe she should go back into the house. She turned off the car engine and decided to get off the car, but then she freezes.
“Unless I want this relationship to end, then maybe I should not go up there. I don’t think I am ready to face Sam yet, even if Samantha is gone. Plus, I am not even sure whether Samantha is still there. But I can’t keep avoiding Sam, that would just finish everything”
Hailey thought to herself. Hailey felt like crying again.
Hailey’s cell phone was still in the car.
She dialed Chan’s number again.
In Chan’s office in the Parliament, he received Hailey’s call. Chan looked at his mobile, he had been spending his entire Sunday working and right now he was still stuck behind his desk, within his office. Chan took a look at his mobile and realized it is Hailey’s number.
“This is why they got caller ID.” Chan said to himself and turned his cell phone off. “To avoid, unwelcoming calls, like this one.” He said to himself
“The number you have dialed is switched off. Please try again later.” The voice came out of Hailey’s cell phone.
Hailey hanged up her cell phone. She doesn’t know why Chan want nothing to do with her anymore. There was a time, when if something like this happens, Chan will pick up the phone and Hailey could tell Chan everything and after talking to Chan, Hailey would be able to face her relationship with Sam again, but now, Chan would hang up on her the first second he hears her voice.
Hailey sighed “Why must everything be so complicated.” She thought to herself.
Hailey got out of her car, locked the door and started preparing herself to walk back into the apartment, in the same time she bumped into Samantha who just walked out of Hailey’s apartment and was moving back to her car.
It was a little bit less confronting for Hailey to see Samantha here.
“Look, I know I am just a prostitute, but you know you can do better than that jack ass, right?” Samantha walked up to Hailey and said
“My partner is your client, do you think…” Hailey’s sentence was cut off
“Guys like that is a onetime client for me only. I won’t take his business again. You deserve better.” Samantha said
“I am happy here. Sam is good to me.” Hailey said, at this stage Hailey thought about that Barbie doll Sam got her on Friday, exactly the same, as the one from her childhood.
“You are kidding me, right?” Samantha frowned and said
“No, I’m not, Sam is great.” Hailey said
Samantha sighed, “If you ever change your mind, this is my business card, so you know where to contact me.” Samantha said, hanging Hailey her card.
Hailey took a look at it.
“Take care.” Samantha said and then she walked away and left.
Hailey looked at the card again, and then she threw it into the bin and walked back into her apartment.
Chapter Four Part 1 of 3
Which actor is best to play Sam Brown
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Adam Tuominen |
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Ryan Thomas |
Chapter Four Part 1 of 3
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