~The following day, Sunday Afternoon, 25th September, Gold Coast
Twenty nine years old Zack, walked out of the Army base and went to greet his father Tom.
“Hey Pap” Zack said.
Just like his father, who fought in Vietnam, Zack is a currently a soldier, he is a Captain from the Australian Special Forces, who just return from Afghanistan.
Zack doesn’t like to talk about the war very much and he rarely mention it, outside work.
Standing next to Tom, was Zack’s wife, April and their nine years old daughter Lindsey. April is a white girl, who came from a family of conservative western culture extremists, who still believe that you should be loyal to the monarchy and that it is treason to believe Australia should be a Republic and has little respect for none Catholic religions, especially Muslims. April’s father still believe for the west to be civilized and the none west to be uncivilized and any form of civilizing in none western culture, is something that come into existence, due to a western influence and as a result, he disapprove April marrying an Aboriginal guy, who come from a family that refuse to adopt western cultures or even celebrate Christmas, who wear their Aboriginal culture like a badge of honour and is not of Christian background. Zack tolerate April’s father, but April hasn’t talk to her father for over two years, as a result.
“Hey, babe” Zack smiled and said, to his wife,
Hi” April smiled and replied, they kissed on the lips and then, Zack reached to pick his daughter up into his arms. “You’ve been a good girl, while Daddy is gone? Did you listen to Mummy?” Zack said to Lindsey.
“It is good to have you back son.” Tom smiled and said
“Thanks Pap” Zack said “I just hope mum can be here.” Zack’s mother died from a brain tumour a few years ago.
“Yeah, I missed her too.” Tom said
The family started walking
“I would like to visit mum’s grave, as soon as possible. I promised her that, I would visit, once I return from Afghanistan, just to let her know that I’m safe.” Zack said
“You should” Tom replied.
“Is Lindsey still taking Judo lessons and Ballet lessons?” Zack asked
“Yes, she is getting pretty good at them too.” April smiled and said
“Judo is still this afternoon, right?” Zack asked
April nodded. “I think I will take Lindsey to the lady’s room.” April said, looking at Lindsey, who was probably going to wet her pants, if she doesn’t go to the toilet, soon.
“Ok” Zack said
April walked Lindsey to the toilets.
“So, how is that new case you are working on, Dad?” Zack asked
“So far, so good, he is leaving Rita Zhan, so that is good.” Tom said
“Well it is about time for that girly man, to finally end his periods. I mean speaking about been an emotional basket case, what a girl and not just any girl, but a spoil little princess. I mean, is it just me or is he acting likes a child throwing a tantrum in the super market. I mean, I swear to god, I cannot stop laughing when I heard about it.” Zack mocked, the girly man that Zack was talking about is Jeff Stanmore “I want to be in a relationship where I am a masculine male capable of protecting my woman and my woman is a weak, helpless and innocent victim that require my protection, I don’t care, I want that” Zack said mockery, imitating the voice of a child, who is throwing a tantrum in a super market, because his mother won’t buy him candies “It sounds kind of like children saying, ‘I don’t care, I want potato chips’, in a super market.” Zack mocked
“Well, that is Jeff Stanmore for you. In a lot of ways, he is just a little boy, trap in a full grown man’s body. He is just a toddler.” Tom smiled and said
“So, he is divorcing Rita Zhan?” Zack asked
“He seems to have a bit of sense knock, put into him.” Tom said
“Our little boy is growing up.” Zack smiled and said
A few minutes April and Lindsey walked out of the toilet “What are you talking about?” April asked
“Jeff Stanmore” Zack replied
April knows all about the Jeff Stanmore case that Tom was working on “Oh, he is quiet an emotional basket case, isn’t he?” April smiled and said “But he is a good girl.” April mocked
These are not stuff that Tom and his family would say, in front of Jeff Stanmore and his family, but this is really how little, they see of him.
Chapter Twelve Part 2 of 3
Chapter Twelve Part 2 of 3
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