Novel Cinderella Tears: Hailey's Story (Context Page)

Novel Cinderella Tears: Hailey's Story (Context Page)


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Chapter Twenty Three Part 1 of 2

~The following day, Sunday Afternoon, 15th January, New Castle

Patrick Fan was sitting inside he and Rita’s abandon lair, waiting for the police to come arrest him. He just had breakfast. In fact, he was surprised about the amount of time it was taking for the police to come. A little while later, a man walked into the abandon warehouse that was once Patrick and Rita’s lair. It was Detective Constable Edward Stone.

Edward took his badge out of his pocket. “Patrick Fan?” Edward asked

“That’s right, who are you?” Patrick replied

Detective constable Edward Stone, I am here to arrest you, for the murder of Mike Stanmore and Simon Stanmore.” Edward said

“Took you long enough, I have been waiting for you here, since last night.” Patrick said

“We were looking for Rita Zhan, she is gone.” Edward replied

“Someone must have tipped her off. Don’t look at me. I got nothing to do with that.” Patrick said

Edward put Patrick in handcuff and read Patrick his rights, the standard stuff, cops have to say, to the people they arrested.

“I got just one question. Why?” Edward said

“Why, what?” Patrick said

“Why did you kill Mike Stanmore and Simon Stanmore?” Edward asked

“You know why. I explain it to you guys, in the Email, unless you didn’t read it.” Patrick said

“I read it. But disregards to what Jeff Stanmore did to you and your family. His children are innocent.” Edward said

“Anger can make people do, unthinkable things, to strike out, to hurt the source of your anger, especially when you got nothing to lose, like me, dying within one or two months.” Patrick laughed and said “If I killed Jeff Stanmore, it would be over soon. But to let Jeff Stanmore see his children dead and let him know, it is because of him, they are dead, it will cause him even more pain. I know you think I am a monster. I am not going to denier that because I am. I am a monster, in relationship to this situation, at least.”

“I am sorry about how your daughter died.” Edward said

“You know, my wife died in labor, giving birth to Mayling. She is my only kid, all I got. We came to this country together. After that rumor, Jeff Stanmore spread about me, we lost everything. I can’t afford to take care of Mayling anymore. I had to give her up for adoption. She was crying that day, when I was walking away, despite the fact I told her, that I will be back soon and we will be together again. It is a lie. I know that, it is less then likely to happen. I mean, look at me. I got no qualification, what so ever. Plus, thanks for Jeff Stanmore I am in a lot of debt. But I figure, at least Mayling would survive. I am wrong. Six month later, Mayling was dead. The adopted father is a child molester and so are, all of his sick and twisted friends. My little girl was been gang raped, by a bunch of white males, before they killed her. She was only six years old. The police arrested that group of male and they are all been given life sentence. But what is the use? My little girl is dead. Ever since that day, I swear to myself, someday, I am going to make those people, who let this happened to my little girl, pay. And that included Jeff Stanmore, his children’s death, in exchange for the death of my daughter, as far as I consider, it is a fair trade.” Patrick said

“I am sorry to hear what happened.” Edward said

“It’s Ok, I broke the law, it is your duty to take me in. So do your job.” Patrick said

Edward started putting Patrick into the police car.

“Can’t let you do it mate.” Rita voice, burst into existence

Edward turned his head around, Rita and her four remaining goons were each holding a rifle, standing on the roof of the warehouse, aiming their guns at Edward.

“Drop your weapon.” Edward ordered

“No detective, you drop yours.” Rita said

Then, Rita turned to talk to Patrick “You sold me out Patrick.” Rita said, as she slowly walked down the stairs, that leads from the warehouse’s roof top, to the ground floor

“You have out lived your usefulness. It is time, to have you dispose of. Something you should be quite familiar with, considering the number of people, you disposed of already, after they outlive their usefulness.” Patrick said

“I got a proposition for you.” Rita said to Patrick

“Not interest.” Patrick said

“Drop your weapon.” Edward said

“Fine, let’s play this game. I can beat this guy, bear hand.” Rita said

“Don’t over estimate yourself. This guy is a cop.” Patrick said

“Cop or no cop, all white people are weak.” Rita said and then she charged to fight Edward.

Edward jumped backwards as Rita threw two kicks towards him. Edward threw one kick back. Rita blocked one kick and threw one punch back. Edward blocked the punch. Edward and Rita locked arm, a few seconds later, Edward managed to flip Rita to the ground. But Rita threw a few quick kicks, forcing Edward to jump backwards. Rita got back to her feet and then she threw another kick towards Edward. Edward dogged to the left and Rita’s kick missed and her foot, smashed right into, one of the police car’s window, smashing it into pieces. Edward threw a quick kick towards Rita and it hit Rita in the stomach, Rita felled backwards, onto the ground. Edward try threw another kick towards Rita, but Rita quickly stood up, just in time and launched another attack towards Edward, three punches in a row, Edward dogged the first two, but the third one hit him. Rita then, tried to nail Edward, in his balls. But Edward quickly blocked the attack, with his palm. Edward threw another punch towards Rita, but Rita managed to grab Edward’s arm and flopped him across the sky. Rita tried to kick Edward, but missed. Rita tried to kick Edward again, but missed. Edward landed back onto his feet. Rita tried to launch another attack towards Edward, but this time, Edward dogged to the left and kicked Rita from behind, making Rita fell to the ground and then quickly tackled her, to keep her on the ground. Rita tried to struggle, but there was no use.

“Dame this bitch is tough.” Edward thought.

“Stay still!” Edward said angrily

“Patrick, I got an offer for you. It is now or never.” Rita said

“Shut up!” Edward yelled angrily

“I am not interest.” Patrick said

“It is Nichole Stanmore. I can kill her, but I need your help.” Rita said

“And why should I trust you.” Patrick said

“Nothing, you have no reason to trust me. But remember this, if you let the cops get me. If you refuse to help me, then it would never happen. Is me getting caught by the police, more important to you or is killing Nichole Stanmore more important to you?” Rita said

“Shut Up!!!” Edward yelled angrily, he punched Rita a few times, across the face, as he tried to keep her nailed to the ground.

“You are just using me to help you get away from the cops.” Patrick said

“Even if that is the case, this is Nichole Stanmore, we are talking about here.” Rita said

“How am I certain, that you can and will, really killed Nichole Stanmore?” Patrick replied

“Patrick, don’t” Edward said, not wanting Patrick to change side.

“Nothing, but if you don’t save me now, you would never know.” Rita said

“Don’t do it Patrick.” Edward said

“I am sorry detective.” Patrick said. Then he raised his hand up, the cuffs have already been unlocked “I picked the lock, sorry mate” Patrick said

“Shit.” Edward said.

Patrick went over to fight Edward.

Edward had no choice but to let Rita go, so to fight Patrick. Rita did not help Patrick. Instead, she stood back and watched.

Edward went to grab his gun, knowing full well, he is not able to take on both Patrick and Rita along, but then he realized, his gun was gone, it was not in the pocket of his gun belt. It fell to the ground, when he was fighting Rita.

Edward charged towards Patrick, Patrick dogged backwards and threw one kick towards Edward, during the same time. Edward quickly dogged sideway and let Patrick’s attack missed. Patrick threw another punch towards Edward, but Edward quickly grabbed Patrick’s arm and flipped him onto the ground, but in another smooth move, Patrick flipped Edward away, threw him away from him. Edward fell to the ground, but quickly gotten back to his feet and await Patrick’s attack. Patrick threw a few kicks towards Edward. Edward jumped backwards and threw two kicks towards Patrick, during the exact same time. Patrick quickly blocked both of those kicks. Edward jumped forward and threw a few more kicks towards Patrick, but Patrick managed to dogged side way and threw another kick towards Edward. Edward flipped to the right and threw a punch right into Patrick’s stomach, then another one onto his chin and then one across his face. Patrick felled to the ground.

Patrick was not getting up. Rita charged forward, to attack Edward. Edward quickly jumped backwards, as Rita threw number of kicks towards him. Edward tried to throw a few more kicks towards Rita, but Rita jumped backwards and let Edward missed those kicks. During the exact same time, Patrick managed to get back onto his feet. There was a lot of blood on him.

“Can you still fight?” Rita asked Patrick.

A minute ago, I can’t. He would have been able take me down, for certain. But now, I am ready for a rematch.” Patrick said

“Don’t do this Patrick.” Edward said

“Sorry mate, but I have to kill Nichole Stanmore. It is for my daughter.” Patrick replied

You know, I can’t let you do that mate.” Edward said, there were traces of blood upon his suit, some of it was his blood and some of it was Patrick and Rita’s blood.

“I know, sorry mate, on guard.” Patrick said and then he attacked, this time, Rita joined in too.

Patrick and Rita threw numbers of punches and kicks towards Edward. Edward jumped backwards and threw a few kicks in the air, as he moved back. Patrick and Rita managed to block all of those attacks. Patrick and Rita continued to attack and Edward continued to move backwards, throwing kicks towards his opponents, in the same time and Patrick and Rita, continued to be able to, block all attack.

“Move back” Patrick suddenly said

Rita and Patrick moved backwards and waited for Edward to attack.

Edward stopped withdrawing. He quickly caught his breath and then he moves forward to attack.

“Wait for him to get close.” Patrick said

“Wait for it.” Patrick whispered to Rita, as he watched Edward walked closer.

“Now!” Patrick yelled, the second Edward was in kicking distance. Edward jump backwards, he dogged to the left and managed to throw a kick that hit Rita. But in the same time, Edward got kicked by Patrick. Both Edward and Rita felled to the ground. Patrick moved forward to attack Edward, but Edward threw a punch that hit Patrick, but in the same time, he was been attacked by Rita from the side. Edward quickly dogged Rita’s attack, but was been punched in the stomach by Patrick. Rita kicked Edward in the balls, then Patrick belly flop Edward across the sky. Edward did not land on his feet this time and he dropped to the ground, like a ton of bricks. Rita and Patrick went over and nailed Edward to the ground. Edward broke free and got back onto his feet. But Rita threw another kick right into Edward’s stomach. Edward smashed right into the warehouse’s metal gate. Rita and Patrick charged forward and nailed Edward against the gate. Rita used Edward’s handcuff and cuff him onto one of the metal bars, of the front gate.

“Don’t do it Patrick.” Edward said

“Sorry mate, but this is something I must do.” Patrick said and then he started to walk away.

Rita followed Patrick from behind, the goons was starting to walk down, from the roof via the stairs. Rita suddenly stopped walking “You know what? To avoid certain complications, I think, I will do this.” Rita said and then she grabbed her pistol, turned around and fired two bullets into Edward’s head, both shots hit. Edward was dead.

“Not bad for a white guy.” Rita said, looking at Edward’s dead body.

“You just killed a cop.” Patrick said

“So, what, thanks for you, I am going to prison, for certain now, anyway.” Rita said, as she started to walk away “Now, are we going to go kill that Nichole Stanmore or not?”

“Witch” Patrick murmured, as he followed.

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